Following the success of a survey about pre-arrival readings we did this time last year, we decided to alter it slightly and use it to enquire about second year students’ book purchasing and reading habits over the summer. The number of participants almost doubled to 192 thanks to better publicity and the added incentive of … Continue reading Second Year Students Survey Results
How I use my phone and laptop daily
As a student, I am expected to fill myself with new information every day, and as a member of today’s society I am expected to be contactable at all hours of the day. My phone is the perfect tool for me to meet these two expectations, and together with its constant presence and infinite knowledge, … Continue reading How I use my phone and laptop daily
Technology, technology, technology…
I use several devices each day for my personal life and academic study. It starts off with checking my iPhone when I wake up to see what emails I've received or if there are any changes to lecture scheduling for the day. I'll also check my calendar on my phone for the day's events. If … Continue reading Technology, technology, technology…
Phone or laptop?
Even though some find technology overwhelming and they feel they can’t keep up with all the latest devices or apps on the market, I personally find every technology-related thing I use very helpful. Since my Nexus 7 broke (or since I broke it) I’m only left with my laptop and my mobile phone. I find … Continue reading Phone or laptop?
Recent Resources
My late grandfather used to collect donated books from people and sell them on to raise money for Macmillan. Having retired as the village shopkeeper, he had converted his shop into a garage for his ageing VW Polo. He frequently held charity book sales, and as their popularity increased and donations of books kept coming, … Continue reading Recent Resources
5 things I wish I’d known for my first essay
Apart from sorting out my Student finance and other important documents I didn't spend much time preparing for my second year. The reason for this is probably that I just couldn't find the time to do it on one hand and on the other there wasn't a specific list of books, which we would use … Continue reading 5 things I wish I’d known for my first essay
5 things I wish I’d known for my first essay
It’s my third week of term as a second year and teaching is already in full-swing with group presentations, longer seminars and of course a weekly reading list. However, I did not receive a reading list or module handbook for this year’s electives until two weeks ago, and so I went into my first week’s … Continue reading 5 things I wish I’d known for my first essay
Reflections and Expectations
It has been a year. I am now sitting in my new room in my new house reflecting on how, exactly a year ago, I had no idea whether I would even enjoy university. The truth is, I have absolutely loved it. I came to university sceptical; I was dubious that university would be … Continue reading Reflections and Expectations
Emotional Cocktail
I was thinking about what to write for my last blog post this academic year on a plane on my way back home. As I was choosing which memories to include in this paragraph, a cocktail of emotions was short-circuiting my brain. Excitement about coming back home with the bitterness of leaving my friends; nostalgia … Continue reading Emotional Cocktail
Finishing First Year
Starting the four hour train journey back to Dorset, I found myself reflecting on all the things I’d seen and done in my first year at Sussex. Everyone says your first year at university flies and it really does. I can remember my very first day in September, nervously leaving mum and moving into a halls … Continue reading Finishing First Year