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Tackling Fuel Poverty – Whose responsibility is it?

By Mari Martiskainen and Sarah Schepers, Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand, November 2015 Fuel poverty – an issue affecting 2.35 million people in England alone, one that has wide-reaching causes and implications not only for those directly affected, but

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy, Housing

Mari Martiskainen on fuel poverty for ‘The Conversation’

A photograph of Mari Martiskainen smiling

As thousands die, the UK must face up to its responsibilities on fuel poverty Mari Martiskainen, University of Sussex As we approach winter, many of us start turning the heating back on, but there are thousands of people across the

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Community Energy, Housing, policy

Paula Kivimaa writes for for ‘Energy Researchers Finland’ on energy saving in housing.

Paula Kivimaa of the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand wrote an article recently for ‘Energy Researchers Finland’ arguing a need for energy services integrating energy saving and renewable energy measures into both new and existing housing stock, drawing on

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Community Energy, Summaries and Links

Moving beyond products to material culture

BLOG 2 Prototyping or debating sustainable developments in makerspaces? Adrian Smith, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex September 2015 In the previous blog I introduced some of the diverse ways that makerspaces are helping cultivate sustainable developments. Admittedly, these

Posted in All Posts, CIED

Why should we seek sustainable developments in makerspaces?

BLOG 1 Why should we seek sustainable developments in makerspaces? Adrian Smith, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex Community-based workshops like hackerspaces, fablabs and makerspaces, equipped with design, prototyping and fabrication tools have spread rapidly in recent years. Interest

Posted in All Posts, CIED

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