Blog Archives

Planning for economic recovery

By Dr Beatriz Aguirre-Martínez In this post-Covid period, we need new investments in jobs and skills after a significant economic contraction. As part of a webinar series for the CREDS project, a team of researchers led by the Sussex Energy

Posted in Energy and Society, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, renewables, Sussex and local, Wellbeing and ecological economics

Comic books aren’t just about superheros. They can also be a great way of communicating research.

For many experts, Smart local energy systems (SLES) are crucial to the UK’s transition to a Net Zero energy system. Over the last two years, a research team led by Professor Adrian Smith at the Sussex Energy Group has analysed developments

Posted in All Posts, Community Energy, Community wealth building, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy infrastructure, Energy systems and supply technology, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, Local Energy

New funding announced for energy demand research

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has announced £15 million of funding for the next phase of energy demand research in the UK. A new Energy Demand Research Centre, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Economic

Posted in 'Whole systems' perspectives, All Posts, Energy systems and supply technology, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero

The Sussex Energy Group Research Showcase: March 8–22

The Sussex Energy Group Research Showcase in March will focus on two exciting research projects led by the Sussex Energy Group at the University of Sussex . The series will outline IDRIC’s insights on the politics of decarbonisation processes in the UK, and JUSTNORTH’s work on the energy

Posted in All Posts, Energy and Society, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, The energy transition

The SEG@COP26 Seminar Series: Oct 19 – Nov 16

In November, the UK hosts the delayed United Nations COP26 climate change summit. During the build-up, and over the COP itself, the Sussex Energy Group will be presenting highlights of SPRU research in the SEG@COP26 seminar series that are relevant

Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, The energy transition, Wellbeing and ecological economics

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