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Are concepts like Europeanisation and multi-level governance still useful in thinking about energy policy in Europe?

Reflections on the inaugural UACES CRN EU Energy Policy workshop by Ralitsa Hiteva   I was lucky enough to take part of the UACES (The academic association for contemporary European Studies) Collaborative Research Network’s (CRN) inaugural EU Energy Policy workshop

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“Politicians still hesitate while the world warms” – Reflections on OECD Angel Gurría’s speech

Angel Gurría, secretary-general of the OECD, gave a tour-de-force speech in London on 3rd of June 2015 as part of the organisation’s build-up to COP21 in Paris. He drew upon “Aligning Policies for a Low-carbon Economy“, an OECD report that

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The end of onshore wind subsidies: what now for ‘secure, affordable and low-carbon’ electricity?

On Thursday, the government announced that it would be ending subsidies for onshore wind under the Renewables Obligation a year earlier than planned, in April 2016. There are also plans to give local communities a veto over new wind farms,

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Posted in All Posts, policy, Wind energy

Prof Jim Watson’s UKERC blog: Would a Global Apollo Programme deliver the low carbon innovation we need?

Introduction to Jim Watson’s blog by Dr Ralitsa Hiteva The Global Apollo Programme to Combat Climate Change report  which came out last week warns: “We are in danger”; “The perils of our current course”; “The dangerous shortfall in RD&D”. The

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Posted in Fossil fuels, Guest Blog, policy, Summaries and Links

Experiments in Climate Governance – Reflections on a workshop

Photo of Bipashyee Ghosh

In early March 2015, the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) hosted the ‘Innovations in Climate Governance’ (INOGOV) workshop. The INOGOV is a Tyndall Centre for Climate change research initiative, which started in 2014, and is a 4 year funded programme by

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Posted in All Posts, policy

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