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Limits to growth or opportunities for prosperity?

Last week, in a hot and crowded room deep within the Houses of Parliament, myself and fellow researchers from The Sussex Energy Group (SEG) and The Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand attended the launch event of the All-Party Parliamentary

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Posted in CIED, energy efficiency, renewables

Why South Africa is finding it difficult to wean itself off coal

Dr Lucy Baker

Lucy Baker, University of Sussex and Jesse Burton, University of Cape Town South Africa has made domestic and international commitments to climate change mitigation. But the country continues to depend on coal-fired power plants, which provide 92% of its electricity.

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Posted in All Posts, renewables, study

Understanding China’s involvement in South Africa’s Renewable Energy Sector

China is Africa’s largest trading partner, providing demand for the continent’s energy and minerals, and its direct investments in the continent are also on the rise. When Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited the African Union in 2014, he announced that

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Posted in All Posts, renewables

Financing Innovation in Renewable Energy

Global new investment in green energy technologies hit $329 billion in 2015 say Bloomberg New Energy Finance. That’s a good thing right? Well, not necessarily. Knowledge is always partial, and despite impressive breadth of data gathering, some fundamentals remain unclear. That’s where Mariana Mazzucato and

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Posted in Conferences and events, renewables

Storm Imogen reminds us that there are winners and losers with climate change

AFTER Storm Imogen, is it not time more people faced up to the reality that man-made climate change is causing huge changes to weather patterns which are affecting us? One storm does not equal climate change, neither does one hot

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Fossil fuels, renewables

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