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Rethinking energy’s impact on society in Bangladesh and beyond

On the 4th of April 2016, Bangladeshi police opened fire on protesters, killing four people, including a 37-year-old salt cultivator, from the remote village of Gandamara in the district of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Around another 100 villagers were also injured by

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Posted in Fossil fuels

Why South Africa is finding it difficult to wean itself off coal

Dr Lucy Baker

Lucy Baker, University of Sussex and Jesse Burton, University of Cape Town South Africa has made domestic and international commitments to climate change mitigation. But the country continues to depend on coal-fired power plants, which provide 92% of its electricity.

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Opportunity and crisis in South Africa’s electricity

In April I wrote a blog in Le Monde Diplomatique about South Africa’s on-going electricity crisis. This crisis has resulted in regular load-shedding across the country since late last year as the country’s cash strapped utility Eskom faces a $17

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Unburnable fossil fuels – whose limit is it anyway?

A research letter in Nature by Dr Christophe McGlade and Prof Paul Ekins (McGlade & Ekins 2015) has dared to go where policymakers and leaders across the globe have not: For a reasonable chance of limiting global warming to 2 degrees

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