Re-opening the Call for Mass Observers; motivations of a volunteer

by Kirsty Pattrick – Mass Observation Projects Officer “Writing a Mass Observation directive is like taking a thought for a walk” F5186 I was drawn to this lovely quote from one of our Observers. It makes me think of the

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Posted in MO (Mass Observation), The Keep

Freedom Day – new perspectives on apartheid from the BLDS Legacy Collection

Today marks the 28th anniversary of South Africa’s first post-apartheid elections, now commemorated as Freedom Day. Previously, under the apartheid regime, non-whites in general had only limited voting rights, while black South Africans were unable to vote at all. The

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Posted in BLDS (British Library for Development Studies)

Everyday kindness

By Suzanne Rose – Mass Observation Education and outreach officer Richard Ratcliffe, currently on day 17 of a hunger strike as part of his campaign to free his wife Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe writes in The Guardian on 10th November 2021, “Amid

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Posted in MO (Mass Observation), The Keep

Welcome to Legacy…

The University of Sussex Library Legacy collection A diverse collection of over 20,000 documents, pamphlets, books and reports which have been collected by the Library since it opened in 1964 From local to national, the well known to little known

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Posted in Legacy collection, The Library

Listening to the Most Hated Man in America – Part 2

A glimpse into the audio archive of Harvey Matusow By Duncan Harrison – UOSH Audio preservation engineer A Political Career on Tape The first thing to be aware of is that this audio content does not really provide a chronological

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Posted in The Keep, UOSH (Unlocking Our Sound Heritage)

Listening to the most hated man in America – Part 1

A glimpse into the audio archive of Harvey Matusow By Duncan Harrison – UOSH Audio preservation engineer The Sound of Mr. Matusow As with everything else in the last 18 months, the work of the Unlocking Our Sound Heritage (UOSH)

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Posted in Special Collections, The Keep, UOSH (Unlocking Our Sound Heritage)

Listening to Maureen Colquhoun

By Esther Gill – Hub project manager – Unlocking our Sound Heritage It is Monday 1st February 2021, the UK is in lockdown and I am working from home, listening to a radio interview (UTK006/498) from 1973 with a councillor

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Posted in The Keep, UOSH (Unlocking Our Sound Heritage)

There ain’t no party like an East Slope party

By Karen Watson – University of Sussex Archivist These days, most people know there ain’t no party like an S Club Party (well if you were born before 1990) but at Sussex in the early 1980s East Slope parties held

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Posted in Special Collections, The Keep

We’ll meet again – or how I gambled away Vera Lynn’s autograph and ended up in a Zambian jungle with a bunch of hippies…

By Danny Millum – BLDS Metadata and Discovery Officer Normally when you tell your family / friends about what you do, unless you’re a fireman or a nurse they just zone out (especially when your job title is Metadata Discovery

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Posted in BLDS (British Library for Development Studies), IDS, The Library