As thousands die, the UK must face up to its responsibilities on fuel poverty Mari Martiskainen, University of Sussex As we approach winter, many of us start turning the heating back on, but there are thousands of people across the…
As thousands die, the UK must face up to its responsibilities on fuel poverty Mari Martiskainen, University of Sussex As we approach winter, many of us start turning the heating back on, but there are thousands of people across the…
By Mari Martiskainen I was recently invited to give a talk at the Citenel Seenel conference hosted by the Brazilian Power Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) on 17-19th August in Sauipe, Bahia. The biannual Innovation and Energy Efficiency Seminar (VIII Citenel and…
New research to be conducted on the issue of fuel poverty will help researchers, policy makers and the third sector to understand how community groups can reach the vulnerable and what potential impact local activities could have. Dr Mari Martiskainen from…
Reflections from the 12th eceee summer study By Dr Mari Martiskainen As Colin Nolden mentioned in his post yesterday, four members of the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand attended the eceee Summer Study held near Hyeres, south of France, during 1-6th…
A few months ago I wrote a post about What it is like to do a PhD. I was then nearing towards submitting my PhD thesis for examination and starting to think about the final examination, a PhD Viva.…