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CIED contributes to conference session on energy and consumer behaviour in Brazil

By Mari Martiskainen I was recently invited to give a talk at the Citenel Seenel conference hosted by the Brazilian Power Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) on 17-19th August in Sauipe, Bahia. The biannual Innovation and Energy Efficiency Seminar (VIII Citenel and

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Synergistic policy mixes are important to achieve low carbon and sustainable mobility

Achieving low-carbon and sustainable mobility systems is a challenge in the context of expanding urban areas across the world. It’s therefore useful to take a close look at recently introduced public policies to see how they are likely to contribute

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Community Energy, renewables

New research project to investigate how communities can tackle fuel poverty – the silent killer

New research to be conducted on the issue of fuel poverty will help researchers, policy makers and the third sector to understand how community groups can reach the vulnerable and what potential impact local activities could have. Dr Mari Martiskainen from

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Osborne’s long-game? The politics behind the down-scaling of low-carbon policies

by Frank Geels and Victoria Johnson. Within weeks of the newly elected Conservative government coming into power, the down-scaling of low-carbon policies began. The Green Deal, binned earlier this week, is the latest victim of the post-election cull which has

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Energy Performance Certificates and renting in Brighton – From “nice to know” to improved houses?

Photograph of paula kivimaa

Usually as a researcher I base my insights on the research and systematic empirical studies I carry out. However, on this particular occasion, the insights are of a more personal nature. Having started to do research on building energy efficiency

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Community Energy, Housing, Sussex and local

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