
TEL Seminar on ‘Technology and Education: opportunities and challenges for equality’

The latest in the TEL seminar series will be on Friday 17th May, 12.00 – 13.30 in the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts. Staff and students are invited to join us to hear some exciting speakers and discuss ways in which the intersections of education and technology impact on equality.

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We are thrilled to bring together three women who each have a particular perspective to share their ideas and experiences and discuss the topic.

Dr. Maren Deepwell
Dr. Maren Deepwell

Dr. Maren Deepwell is the chief executive of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and an Open Practitioner with a special interest in leadership, equality and open education. Maren believes strongly that the intelligent use of Learning Technology can best be developed by working across schools, further and higher Education. Her vision is for Learning Technology to become an effective way for all to learn, teach and assess – informed by open practice, innovative research and global policy. Building on this vision Maren works closely with teachers, leaders, learning technology practitioners and researchers to support ALT’ s members and contribute to the wider community. Maren is on Twitter at @MarenDeepwell and blogs at marendeepwell.com as well as contributing to #FemEdTech.  

Mary Krell
Mary Krell

Mary Krell (Senior Lecturer in Media & Film Studies at the University of Sussex) is a digital artist whose work spans performance, interactivity and narrative. Her work has been shown on multiple continents and she regularly collaborates with artists and thinkers from around the world. Originally from the USA, she has been based in the UK at the University of Sussex since 2002. Prior to coming to Sussex, she was the Head of the Design Department at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle. Before entering higher education, Mary worked as a digital designer at Seattle’s Saltmine Creative during the initial dot.com boom of the 1990s. While at Saltmine she worked on projects for Wizards of the Coast, Microsoft and the Pokemon franchise.

Dr. Tamsin Hinton-Smith
Dr. Tamsin Hinton-Smith

Dr. Tamsin Hinton-Smith (Senior Lecturer In Higher Education) will chair the seminar and join Maren and Mary for a panel discussion of the ideas raised and audience questions. Tamsin first came to Sussex as a single teenage parent undergraduate student in sociology many years ago. This led to the development of some of her primary research interests around ‘non-traditional’ students in higher education, and experiences of (un)belonging and marginalisations. After developing an academic career in Sociology, including as Co-Director of the Centre for Gender Studies; Tamsin moved to the Education department at the University of Sussex in 2014 where she has continued to develop and expand her interests around people’s experiences of accessing and participating in compulsory, further, higher and informal educational contexts; and the organisational cultures that support or inhibit this.

More information and booking on the TEL website.

If you have any problems booking please contact tel@sussex.ac.uk

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