Blog Archives

Scholarship ‘swimming in a sea of the digital’

In a world so infused with digital technologies how must our approaches to scholarship evolve to extend reach and impact?  What do you need to do beyond publication to ensure your audience listen and your publications are read?  How do

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Posted in Digital scholarship

Effective Online Quiz Design

In last week’s blog post Pete Sparkes shared some different approaches to help Moodle users rapidly create quizzes for use in course sites, overcoming some of the perceived usability challenges associated with the Quiz activity. In this article I want

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Posted in Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

Cracking Open Education

A major challenge facing the adoption of new ideas and innovative practices is that of overcoming existing socially created dispositions and values or, as Derek Robertson from the University of Dundee put it in his recent seminar on games-based learning

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Posted in Open Education

Technology, pedagogy and the language of change #bett2015

David Walker (Head of Technology Enhanced Learning, University of Sussex) reflects on Bett 2015. I recently had the honour of participating in a panel session at Bett, one of the world’s largest educational technology events and trade shows, as part

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

‘Technology, technology, technology…’ a student’s view #sussexmtw

Lenart Celar, Eva Brittin-Snell and Lucy Hensher are the University of Sussex Library’s SAGE Undergraduate Scholars. They are part of a three year project that will help the Library to learn more about students’ information and learning behaviours. They write

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Learning on the move – Mobile Technologies Week!

The Library and Technology Enhanced Learning have come together to organise a week of exciting events for University of Sussex staff, students and researchers around the use of mobile technologies to support teaching and learning. Mobile Technologies Week begins on

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Digital, interactive and inclusive?

Digital media and associated technologies afford many new opportunities to enhance and innovate in teaching and similarly to support and enrich student learning. Used positively, these technologies can facilitate interaction and active engagement (both within the classroom and beyond), and

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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