Blog Archives

Learning together: Technology enhanced collaboration.

Peer learning and small group activities have long been staples of higher education – and with good reason. Working together develops students’ understanding of the topic alongside teamwork skills which are so important for employability and lifelong learning. Professionals across

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Being there – or not? Conferencing virtually and ‘in real life’ #altc

Conferences are changing just as Higher Education and modes of learning are changing. Where once you had to be present to engage with and learn from your peers at a conference you can now follow proceedings and interact online. These

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Reflective practice goes digital

Reflective practice for academics in Higher Education is not a new idea, in fact reflection is encouraged in most professional fields and is a habit that students should be developing as part of their wider digital capabilities. Unfortunately, reflection can

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Digital resources for Arts and Humanities

Things are changing in Arts and Humanities. Researchers are increasingly working with digital materials and using new tools in traditional research locations. Reading itself has been transformed by digital devices. So how can you make the most of digital tools

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Flipping the Institution: Higher Education in the Post Digital Age

The 2015 Academic Practice and Technology conference at the University of Greenwich focused on ‘Flipping the Institution: Higher Education in the Post Digital Age’. There was a huge range of sessions to choose from, so this is just a flavour

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Posted in External events, Technology Enhanced Learning

Clever apps for smart researchers

Once upon a time research meant mountains of paper, tapes, card-index systems and hours spent trying to find just the right note or adding bibliographical references. Today, mobile devices and cloud-based apps make life as a researcher easier and less

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Posted in App review, Technology Enhanced Learning

Could you be a TEL Champion? Learning with Open Badges

Technology Enhanced Learning were thrilled recently to award the first TEL Champion badge. Open badges have been awarded for a range of TEL workshops over the last year and Lucia Guzman from the Sussex Centre for Language Studies (SCLS)  is the first to

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

DIY Digital – innovating with TEL

Earlier this year the first Sussex TEL Innovation Scheme funded six projects enabling staff to develop or experiment with new tools, resources or teaching approaches with the potential to inform practice in their School or disciplinary area. Lucy Robinson and

Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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