Blog Archives

Scaffolding student learning with lecture capture.

For this post, Tab Betts (Technology Enhanced Learning) spoke to Professor Janet Boddy (Education) about her experience of using lecture capture in her teaching at the University of Sussex. Listen here to what Janet had to say about how lecture

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Posted in Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

MUGSE at Sussex, April 25th 2017

In a previous post, Antony Coombs wrote about ‘Portfolios, assessment and Mahara at Sussex’ outlining how the Mahara e-portfolio system has been introduced at the University. We are now pleased to be hosting the spring meeting of the Mahara Users Group Southern

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Posted in External events, Mahara, Marking and assessment, Technology Enhanced Learning

Developing students’ discipline-specific vocabulary.

Every discipline has its own specialist terms and concepts. As students progress in their studies they learn the relevant language, but when they begin their studies there are lots of words that they are unsure about. Developing students’ fluency in

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Posted in Learning Design, Polling tools, Study Direct

3 ways to develop rich resources on Study Direct (Moodle)

Most people start using the Sussex University VLE (Study Direct) to upload resources – usually slides from lectures. That is a great start, but there is much more that can be done to provide interesting and engaging resources for students. 

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Posted in Learning Design, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

3 steps to improving your time management with digital tools

Everyone is busy and sometimes it seems we are too busy to find ways to organise our time better. This post will take you through three steps to improving the way you manage that most precious resource – your time. 

Posted in Digital scholarship, Technology Enhanced Learning

Exploring spherical photography in Digital Innovation Week #DIWSussex

There are many exciting events lined up for Digital Innovation Week which began yesterday (Monday 28th November 2016) and runs through until Friday. Today, we are looking at the Spherical Photography session which will be held on Friday 2nd December

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Technology Enhanced Learning

Working together online

Collaborative working online is an important skill for students and staff. This post looks at some of the tools which can be used to accomplish tasks together online and why it is important to introduce students to them. Digital skills

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Learning Design, Technology Enhanced Learning

MusicCircle – creative peer feedback goes digital

Giving and receiving feedback from peers is a great way to learn. After all, professionals do it all the time. Organising this type of activity during a seminar can be difficult, but there are now many online tools for sharing

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Posted in Digital scholarship

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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