Blog Archives

How carbon capture and storage was brought back from the dead, and what happens next

By Marc Hudson Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is often promoted as a technology that will square circles.  One of those circles, in the United Kingdom, is the political need to “level up” the industrial left-behind areas of the north

Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy infrastructure, Energy systems and supply technology, Fossil fuels, Politics of energy and energy institutions

Fracking democracy, criminalising dissent

This blog was originally published on The Ecologist. Written by Andrea Block, Dr Amber Huff, Dr Judith Verweijen, Professor Jan Selby, Professor David Ockwell, and Professor Peter Newell. The anti-fracking victory yesterday should not distract from disturbing trends in the

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Posted in Fossil fuels

Weighing up the case for shale gas after government gives green light to fracking

By Prof. Benjamin K. Sovacool and Suzanne Fisher-Murray If they knew about it, what would the residents of Pawnee, Oklahoma in America have thought about Communities Secretary Sajid Javid’s decision to approve plans for fracking at Cuadrilla’s site at Little

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Posted in Fossil fuels

South Africa: could gas pave the way towards greener sources of energy?

In South Africa, the process of mining coal for power generation or for export is increasingly becoming difficult, because the ability to source finances in a carbon conscious market is limited. The country wants to reduce its dependence on coal

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Posted in Fossil fuels

Rethinking energy’s impact on society in Bangladesh and beyond

On the 4th of April 2016, Bangladeshi police opened fire on protesters, killing four people, including a 37-year-old salt cultivator, from the remote village of Gandamara in the district of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Around another 100 villagers were also injured by

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Posted in Fossil fuels

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