Open Education Week at Sussex 9-13 March 2015 #openeducationwk

Open Education Week 2015 Logo - Blue BG

Next week is Open Education Week (OEW) and for the second year, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and the Library are joining forces to mark OEW at the University of Sussex and bring colleagues events and resources on the theme of ‘openness’ in higher education.


What is Open Education?

The week will begin with a post on this blog exploring the concept of Open Education and what it means to colleagues here at Sussex and in the wider HE community. We hope that this will set the scene for a week of conversations, face-to-face and via social media using the #openeducationwk hashtag.


Agile and open – how open education can lead to rapid, responsive educational design

Sheila MacNeill

Sheila MacNeill (@sheilmcn)

The highlight of the week will be the visit by Sheila MacNeill (Senior Lecturer in Blended Learning, Glasgow Caledonian University). Last year, Sheila was a virtual guest speaker in the Open and online: connections, community and reality webinar which rounded off our OEW activities. This year, we are lucky to have her on campus in person to share her experience of developing and delivering an open, online event in parallel with the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Sheila will highlight the key open education resources (OERs) and tools that enabled her team to develop, in just a few weeks, an online event that went on to attract learners from across the Commonwealth and beyond. She will also discuss how the experience is helping to shape further open, online developments.

As with the other seminars in the TEL Reshaping Teaching with Technology series, this event will take place over a light lunch in the Quiet Room in the Meeting House and there will be plenty of opportunity for conversation around the topic. The Open Education Week seminar will take place on Tuesday 10th March, 12.30-14.00 and Sussex University staff can book via Sussex Direct.

In the spirit of openness, if colleagues from other HE institutions would like to attend they can request a place by emailing


Putting Open Education into practice

It’s all very well having inspiring speakers, but how do you go about finding relevant educational material that is freely available for use, adaptation and sharing? The Library and TEL are running a practical workshop that will introduce Open Educational Resources (OERs) and help participants explore ways of finding and using them in teaching and learning. The session will look at Creative Commons licensing and explore JORUM and other OER repositories. The workshop will be on Wednesday 11th March, 14.00-15.00 and Sussex University staff can book via Sussex Direct.


Curating, creating and sharing

One aspect of open education is the use of ‘free’¹ digital tools to curate, create and share online resources for learning. Last year we created a Flipboard magazine to collect web resources related to the topic of open education and this year we are opening that up to collaborators. If you would like to join in curating the Flipboard magazine email

Throughout the week we will be tweeting interesting links related to open education using the #openeducationwk hashtag from the @SussexTEL Twitter account. Why not follow us and/or the hashtag to learn more about the global movement for teaching and learning in the open?

We will also be sharing a series of digital creations made with ‘free’ tools that represent what ‘Open’ means to colleagues. If you want to join in, just send your ‘What Open means to me’ digital creation to or tweet it using the #openeducationwk hashtag.

There are lots of tools in our A-Z of apps that will help you create something to share, such as Audioboom, Canva, Screencastify, Skitch, Slideshare, Soundcloud, Vimeo, Vine or WeVideo. Or perhaps you will have been inspired by last week’s app review and want to create a ThingLink.


¹ Free is a contested term in the context of open education. We use it here to indicate that you do not have to pay money for the tool / app at the point of use.

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