flickr photo by Adriano Gasparri shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license
Looking for creative ideas to engage students? Wondering how to incorporate technology into your teaching? We have a brand new podcast for you!
The Teaching with Tech Podcast is a podcast produced by the Technology Enhanced Learning department at the University of Sussex.
It can be found here:
What is a podcast?
A podcast is essentially an online radio show.
It consists of audio recordings, usually forming a series of episodes, which can be streamed online or downloaded in MP3 format to be listened to on any digital device, including smartphones, tablets, MP3 players and computers.
What is the Teaching with Tech podcast about?
Here at Sussex – and at many other institutions around the world – educators are doing amazing things to utilise the power of technology to enhance teaching and learning. This podcast, released every other Wednesday, aims to provide a forum for sharing creative ideas and stories of good practice, in order to encourage people to try new things in their teaching and stimulate wider debate about the interface between technology and learning.
Every other week, our department will talk to educators about how they use technology in their teaching.
If you’re looking for advice and support for how to use various teaching tools, innovative ideas to improve your practice, top tips for how to use technologies to facilitate learning and discussions on directions for the future of learning technology, then you’ve come to the right place.
Educators everywhere are doing amazing things to enhance learning through technology. This podcast, released every other Wednesday, aims to provide a forum for sharing these ideas and stories of good practice.
Episode 1 – Behind the Scenes in TEL
In this first episode, Tab Betts, the newest member of the TEL team, gives you a ‘behind the scenes’ look into the world of technology enhanced learning and the role of a learning technologist.
In Part 1, he introduces his colleagues in the Technology Enhanced Learning Department.
In Part 2, he talks with some of his colleagues about why they want to launch a podcast and what content they would like to see in it.
And, finally, in Part 3, he talks to Clerical Assistant in Development and Alumni Relations Office, Sarah Brown, who shares her insights from her recent work shadowing placement in Technology Enhanced Learning. For more information, take a look at her excellent blog post: Work shadowing: a week in the life of a learning technologist.
Episode 2 – Social Media on Trial
In this episode, Tab Betts and Sally Burr talk to Denise Turner, from the Department of Social Work and Social Care, and Julia Moffat, from the School of Law, Politics and Sociology, about their Social Media On Trial event. This is an interdisciplinary event involving a staged court case which the concept of social media is put on trial.
Social media stands accused of being a conduit for the dissemination of hostile and offensive material, presenting a danger to the public good and collective wellbeing of society. Defence and prosecution will be prepared and presented by the Department of Social Work and Social Care, and the School of Law, Politics and Sociology, ably assisted by members of Westgate Chambers.
We discuss the use of Poll Everywhere to allow participants to cast their vote in real time on whether they think social media should be found guilty, the use of Twitter hashtags for social engagement, and finally the use of Periscope to create a live stream of the event which allows people to watch and ask questions from anywhere in the world.
How can I download or subscribe to a podcast?
On iOS devices, such as the iPhone or iPad, there is a built-in app for podcasts called Podcasts. However, Overcast is another popular app for downloading podcasts.
Podcasts (iOS)
Overcast (iOS)
On Android devices, AntennaPod and Audioboom are the best free options.
AntennaPod (Android)
AudioBoom (Android)
On windows, you can use iTunes or VLC media player (which is already installed on most university computers). You can also copy and paste our RSS feed into any of these apps:
To subscribe:
Go into your chosen podcast app. Go to add new podcast/add subscription/add RSS feed, then copy and paste one of the links below.
Examples of Podcasts
Podcasts at Sussex
Centre for Intellectual History Podcast
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