
Take 5 this summer and learn new skills

This summer Technology Enhanced Learning will be relaunching our hugely popular Take 5 series with some exciting new additions to our offer. Take 5 courses are a series of bitesize self-study online tutorials, open to all staff at the University of Sussex, which offer you the opportunity to discover a range of different learning technology topics and develop your skills in these areas. This summer the topics will include: digital productivity, blogging, LinkedIn and podcasting & screencasting.  

Hosted on the university’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Study Direct, each course will be facilitated by colleagues in Technology Enhanced Learning, who will be on hand throughout the courses to answer any questions and provide you with additional resources should you want to develop your skills even further. Take 5 courses give you the opportunity to get to grips with a topic in less than a week as content is released daily, from Monday to Friday, each day designed to take about half an hour at any convenient time during the day.

Each day builds upon your understanding of the topic in order to give you a solid foundation from which you can then apply your new-found knowledge in the context of your own work and interests. Throughout the courses, you will also be encouraged to develop your skills and understanding through daily activities and by sharing your thoughts, comments, ideas and resources with other participants using a range of digital tools.

The Take 5 Lineup

Digital Productivity

This course will help you find ways to organise your work in a faster and/or more flexible way using digital tools and services. You will try out a range of options to help you organise and manage tasks, make notes, work in teams and collaborate online. Many of these will be equally useful to both staff and students.
12th – 16th June, Register now!



An introduction to blogs and blogging. This course will introduce you to the concept of blogging and will address how blogs can be used in teaching and learning as well as in your daily life. We will look at ways in which you can discover blogs, the history and impact of blogs, as well as providing you with guidance to help you set up your own blog.
19th – 23rd June, Register now!



This course will give you an introduction to the social networking platform LinkedIn. Take 5: LinkedIn will take you through how to set up and make the most of your online profile, how to connect with others and discover useful interest groups. It will also cover how you can support and advise your students on how they can manage their digital footprint and use of LinkedIn as a vehicle to support learning.
26th – 30th June, Register now!


Podcasting and Screencasting

This course will take you step-by-step through how you and/or your students can plan, write and record audio files or videos of your computer screen. Throughout the week you will be introduced to some great free tools, as well as strategies for finding and creating audio and video. Sign up and discover ways in which you can use audio and video recordings to shape engaging learning.

3rd – 7th July, Register now!


University of Sussex staff are welcome to sign up to just one or as many Take 5 courses as you like. If you have any questions about the courses or if you would like to put forward suggestions for any further Take 5 topics please email tel@sussex.ac.uk.

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Posted in Mobile learning, Social media, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning
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  1. […] Read the full story by University of Sussex Technology Enhanced Learning Blog […]

  2. […] in meetings or at events. Recently we used Padlet walls as sharing spaces during some of the Take 5 online courses, so that participants could share in a more visual way than through a forum. We set the sharing and […]

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