Recorded lectures are a useful resource for students and Panopto offers some great tools to help make the most of them. In this post we will be looking at Notes and Bookmarks.
Making notes as you watch a Panopto recording via Canvas is easy and has several additional benefits over making notes on paper. This functionality is not currently available on the Panopto apps for Android and iOS, but can be used when students watch recordings from a browser.
- Notes linked to the video. Notes which are typed into Panopto as you watch and listen to a video are time-stamped so that they are linked to that moment in the lecture. Later, you can click on a note to take you back to that part of the recording.
- Search your notes. Panopto notes are searchable, so if you need to find that note about a particular concept you are revising it is easy to do. Just go to the Panopto Recordings folder in your module and use the search box at the top of the screen. If you go to the Panopto app (Android and iOS) you can even search across all your modules at once.
- Download notes. You can also take a copy of your notes out of Panopto by downloading them as a text file. That can then be copied and pasted into another program such as OneNote or Word.
- Share notes with peers. If students want to collaborate on notes with peers they can create a Channel which others can join to add and/or view notes.
This guide from Panopto shows how you can take notes then edit, delete, download and share them.
Panopto bookmarks are a great way to create a list of the parts of recordings that you want to refer back to later. You can add a bookmark at any point in a recording you are watching via Canvas and search bookmarks across all the recordings you have access to. This functionality is not currently available on the Panopto apps for Android and iOS.
To add a bookmark when you are watching a recording, click the Bookmarks tab and type in a few words to remind yourself what this bookmark is. The bookmark will be time-stamped and linked to that moment in the recording.
To see and search all your bookmarks you can click the ‘See all your bookmarks’ link from within any recording. This guide from Panopto shows you how to Create and Access Bookmarks.
If you have any queries about sharing your Panopto recordings or would like to discuss how you might use Panopto to enhance your students’ learning please contact tel@sussex.ac.uk.