
Academic Developers September round-up

Get Ready for the Start of TermA

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If you’re not sure where to start with these updates or have any questions, get in touch with the Educational Enhancement team, who are happy to help.  

For the 23/24 Academic Year, the University of Sussex is continuing to deliver high quality Blended Learning. We will continue to prioritise delivery of teaching sessions primarily in-person, except for Online Distance Learning (ODL) courses.  

Our new Sussex Scholarship Programme 2023-24 supports academic colleagues to develop their Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), with a focus on both teaching practice and career progression. Sessions are open to all staff at the University, but are likely to be of particular interest to colleagues in Education and Scholarship roles. Scholarship case studies and articles are now available on the rebranded DARE blog, with a new name, Learning Matters.

Details on the latest schedule of workshops and other staff development opportunities can be found on the Education Enhancement website. New workshops include:  

We are pleased to announce Buddycheck, a new tool for peer evaluation, is now available for all modules thorugh Canvas. BuddyCheck is a platform for peer evaluation and can help improve outcomes from group work activity. For example, it can adjust group work marks based on contribution, or be used formatively as a prompt for reflection and a source of feedback. Speak to your Learning Technologist or Academic Developer for more information or visit our new BuddyCheck pages

Updated information, support and guidance on the use of Generative AI technology for teaching, learning and assessment is coming to help you navigate the complexities and the opportunities whilst maintaining academic integrity. There is also a new group set up to look specifically at how the University responds to such developments, ensuring accessibility, inclusion and academic integrity are front and centre. 

With the start of term just around the corner, now would be a good time to check over our updated module set-up guidance. Depending on the School you are in will depend on which guidance to follow, be sure to choose the correct one.

The Annual Course Review (ACR) process and associated guidance for 2023/24 is under review and will be updated in October and will be communicated via your Director of Teaching and Learning. The Course Leader Training Programme (Wednesday 6th December, 2-3:30) will focus on the new ACR process.

Finally – if you have 5 minutes, please fill in this short Skills Hub survey, to provide feedback on the use of the Skills Hub in your teaching. Thank you.

Posted in Blended learning, Events, Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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