
Charting Success: The Transformative Role of the Educational Enhancement Coordinator

by George Robinson, Senior Learning Technologist, University of Sussex

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One of the cornerstone roles in the Educational Enhancement team is that of the E.E. Co-ordinator. It is noteworthy that each individual who once held the co-ordinator position has not only chosen to remain part of the University of Sussex community but has also successfully transitioned into one of a range of new roles across the institution. This retention and diversification of talent speak volumes about the skills growth and experiences that this role, and similar roles across the university, can provide.

In this post, we meet the six past and present holders of the Educational Enhancement Co-ordinator role, hear how the role shaped them, and look at their career journeys. We will showcase the breadth of opportunities available for career progression within the University of Sussex.

Kitty Horne

Academic Developer

“My first role in Educational Enhancement, then named Technology Enhanced Learning, was as a graduate intern. This was a fixed term role and I was then lucky enough to stay on in the team as the first co-ordinator between 2015 and 2017. During this time I was given the opportunity to contribute to the team blog, plan and present workshops and to organise our seminar series.

“It was great to work in a team that was so encouraging and who always made sure to include me in new workshops they were planning or research into emerging technologies. This helped me to develop the skills needed then to progress into the role of Learning Technologist and in turn into the role of Academic Developer that I hold now.”

George Robinson

Senior Learning Technologist

“I was the team’s co-ordinator from 2017 to 2019. I’d been working at the University of Brighton beforehand and had discovered the field of Learning Technology, which I really wanted to enter as it combined my two passions: education and technology. When a job came up for the role of Learning Technologist at Sussex I went for it… and didn’t succeed, but the team saw potential in me and so asked me if I’d interview for the co-ordinator position.

“The role was fantastic as not only did I gain a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be a Learning Technologist, but I also had the creative freedom to design workshops and develop resources. This hands-on experience was instrumental, enriching my knowledge and skills, and preparing me for my next big leap two years later, when the opportunity arose once again for a Learning Technologist role. This time, armed with experience and a deeper understanding of the field, I succeeded!

“Since then, I’ve evolved to become a Senior Learning Technologist within the team, in my seven years here the team has grown from having six members to over 25. A lot has changed over the years but E.E. has continued to be an amazing place to work!”

Faye Tucknott

Student Engagement Manager

“I was the team co-ordinator from October 2019 until February 2021. I studied my undergraduate degree at Sussex and loved my time here as a student, so I was really excited by the opportunity to be part of a team who worked to enhance teaching and learning at the university. I must admit I was a little apprehensive about the technology part; I was the go-to tech person in my family for fixing Nan’s Sky box or sorting Mum’s computer, but would I be “tech savvy” enough for the team? Of course, the wonderful Educational Enhancement colleagues supported the skills I already had and helped me build on them, guiding my development throughout my time in the role. I’m sure anyone who has worked with the E.E. team will have experienced their problem-solving expertise and innovation, but they will also know that it comes with a tremendous amount of kindness and understanding.

“Starting my Sussex career in E.E. has encouraged me to be less fearful of trying things out and testing new ways of working for the benefit of students and staff alike, be that by using technology or trialing new initiatives. The E.E. Co-ordinator role encourages problem-solving, creativity, excellent organisation and administration skills, curiosity, collaboration and so much more. Over the last four years it has stood me in excellent stead to continue growing and developing within the university, at first within the E.E. team as the Online Distance Learning Officer (Feb 2021 to June 2022), and since as the Executive Logistics Officer for the Division of Student Experience.

“I have loved continuing to explore how to enhance education for students, and do so now working with Student Connectors to deliver events and initiatives to support student belonging, enhance their skills, and develop their interests. I am delighted this has led me to the next chapter of my Sussex journey, as I joined the Student Engagement and Enhancement team as the Student Engagement Manager (Spirit of Sussex Award) in late November 2023.”

Katie Turner

Change Communications Officer

“I worked for Educational Enhancement from 2020 to 2021 as the team co-ordinator.

“I was intrigued by the role as it included event planning and communications, but I was keen to learn about the digital aspect which included updating webpages. The role allowed me to build up my knowledge for using HTML coding for updating the teams’ webpages and supporting E.E. with events. Since then, I have moved into a communications role as a Change Communications Officer, where I have worked on webpages and communication channels across the university for our Capital Programme. I am currently learning more about digital communications by completing an apprenticeship in Digital Marketing through Creative Digital Process.”

Keira Thomas

Success Programmes Assistant

“I was welcomed with such friendliness into the E.E. Team, as the team co-ordinator. The role allowed me to expand my organisation and communication skills, whilst giving me the opportunity to learn about and build relationships within my team, and other areas of the university with whom E.E. work closely and collaborate. I was able to engage in a range of training and development opportunities, which has increased my knowledge and confidence in a range of topics. I have developed skills in finance, comms, and various platforms, which have been valuable assets within the role that I have progressed to, as a Success Programmes Assistant within Student Engagement and Enhancement.

“Being part of an inclusive and supportive team in E.E., encouraged me to develop within my additional (volunteer) roles, as an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champion for the Division of Student Experience; a Co-chair of the LGBTQ+ Staff Network; and a Mental Health First Aider. These roles are very close to the heart for me as someone who identifies as a lesbian, and who is extremely passionate about EDI practices, which were nurtured in the team. E.E. were such a positive start to my journey within the University, so I am truly grateful for my time and what I learned from being a member of the team. Once in E.E., always in E.E.

Simon Overton

Educational Enhancement

“For most of my career I have been a primary school teacher. The idea of teaching a roomful of children scares a lot of people but I always loved it. A primary classroom is a whirlwind of noise, activity, behaviour, needs and peculiarity. It is a force of nature.

“So (as I discovered) is a university.

“On returning to the U.K. after 15 years away, I decided to change direction a bit and try my hand in higher education. I liked the Educational Enhancement department immediately – literally during the interview I felt comfortable with my potential new colleagues and the kind of tasks I was being asked to prove that I could co-ordinate.

“I was tremendously proud to be offered the role and my first few days went well. I could find my way to the office and back – no mean feat in the University of Sussex library – and I understood the work I needed to do. The E.E. team has as many people in it as a medium-sized classroom but they were all grown-up and none of them needed their noses wiping or shoelaces tying.

“It was at the Student Experience Division “Meet & Greet” that I really got a sense of how I fit into the university as a whole. The division is enormous (at least, to me it is) and the possible connections between departments, teams and individuals seem to be like those brain cell network diagrams you see. All of this spread across a campus that is like a small city. It is complex and amazing. A force of nature.

“But it isn’t scary. In fact, it is thrilling and challenging and mysterious and inspiring to me. What could I do with my role and where can it lead me? I have met so many people from within our team and around our division, and each one has a role that is profound and remarkable and the passion with which they perform their roles and how excited they are to explain them to me is amazing. I feel like my role as E.E. Co-ordinator places me at the start of a journey; and I have loved the journey so far.”

Find out more about Educational Enhancement, including information about our events, workshops and seminars, by visiting staff.sussex.ac.uk/teaching/enhancement .

Posted in Case Study, Educational Enhancement, Technology Enhanced Learning
2 comments on “Charting Success: The Transformative Role of the Educational Enhancement Coordinator
  1. Anne Hole says:

    What a great post. The team has been incredibly fortunate to have fabulous coordinators over the years, but also, as this post shows, is wonderfully nurturing of them.

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