Blog Archives

TEL Innovation Scheme – The Winners!

Each year, Sussex TEL makes available grants of up to £1000 to support the development of innovative practices in the use of technology within teaching and learning. The TEL Innovation Scheme gives Sussex teaching staff the opportunity to develop or

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Online or offline…you choose: TEL’s staff development workshops

Following the success of last year’s staff development offering and the online bitesize courses we piloted over the summer, the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team have expanded our professional development programme for 2015-16 to include both online and offline courses and sessions. Summer success The online

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Threshold Standards for Moodle: A Learning Technologist’s tale

An Unexpected Journey…. Over the summer months Sussex TEL have been in their various Hobbit holes focussing a lot of time on implementing school-level standards for Study Direct, Sussex’s virtual learning environment (VLE) that’s built on the Moodle platform. This endeavour

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Windows 10: has a sleeping giant awoken?

Readers of our blog may notice that many of our technology-focussed posts relate to either applications that can be used on Apple and Android devices, or online resources. We haven’t, up until now, referred to the operating system that 61%

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Camscanner: turn your phone or tablet into a mini-scanner

This blog post will review CamScanner, an app that allows you to turn paper to PDF using only the camera on your mobile device. Scan anything from mathematical equations to your shopping list and then edit, organise and share your

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Posted in App review, Technology Enhanced Learning

Claudia Eberlein – using a LiveScribe pen

To celebrate TEL’s one year blogiversary in conjunction with the recent University’s Teaching and Learning conference, we would like to celebrate examples of innovative teaching practice at the University of Sussex. In this post we will look at the use of a Livescribe

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Getting started with your iPad

When it comes to the iPad, we in Sussex TEL usually write and publish blog posts concerning new and exciting apps, methods of recording video and ways of using the iPad in teaching and learning. However, we have recently realised that,

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Go digital in 2015: TEL’s new staff development workshops

Learn something new this year with the TEL team’s new workshop programme. Following the success of the Mobile Technologies Week, the TEL team have expanded our staff development programme and refined sessions. The new programme is ideal if you are interested in exploring ways

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Posted in Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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