Skills at your fingertips: Skills Hub

Looking for skills support at Sussex? Skills Hub imageStaff and students at the University of Sussex now have access to a one stop shop for study and support needs in one easy to find, online location.

Whatever the type of resource or guidance required, the Skills Hub is the place to go, or to refer your students, to discover the range of support available for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate students. For Doctoral Research students, please see Researcher Development.

The services in Skills Hub are not new. They are, however, newly put together to make it easier for everyone to find the service or support that they need. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Facebook: how private are your privacy settings?


creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by rpongsaj

You might be surprised to see the information available to the public via your Facebook account, even if your privacy settings are set to ‘friends only’.

Despite this setting, the public may still be able to view:

  • previous posts (pre-privacy settings)
  • previous Facebook banners
  • your friends block
  • groups you have recently joined
  • your relationship status (if published)
  • the ‘about you’ block
  • recent activity

Professional profiles

For some students, having personal information within the public domain is not a concern until they enter the professional world. For trainee teachers and social workers, however, access to private details can present an immediate problem, for example;

  • when on placement in a school
  • if vulnerable adults ask to ‘friend’ you on Facebook
  • if a supervisor reads a ‘bad day at work’ post
  • Read more ›

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Posted in e-Safety

New TEL workshops: future-proof your teaching

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Embracing technology for learning and teaching

The TEL team has a new programme of workshops which will give you the opportunity to test and assess new technologies before using them in the classroom, or in your work or study routine.

If you are interested in using technology in your teaching but apprehensive about taking the plunge, or perhaps have seen faculty members using technologies but not yet had the chance to test them out for yourself, join the TEL team for a stimulating workshop.

Bookmarks, Prezis, Padlet? If these terms are not familiar to you and you would like to learn more, please see our staff training programme.

We can help demystify new learning technologies for you and give you ideas on how to use these new and emerging tools in your teaching. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

TodaysMeet: embracing the backchannel for learning

TodaysMeet header





TodaysMeet is designed to enhance learning by embracing the backchannel; the ‘secondary or covert route for the passage of information’ (Oxford Dictionary) that runs alongside learning.

TodaysMeet for learning and teaching

TodaysMeet allows for shared thoughts, questions, and ideas to run alongside a presentation or discussion, in ‘real time’, just as it is happens.

For those already familiar with Twitter, TodaysMeet is similar in that it enables people to ‘talk’ in a threaded conversation using mobile devices. However, there is an important difference between TodaysMeet and Twitter. TodaysMeet is a virtual private room where only those who are invited can comment, and only those in the virtual room can read. It is a tool that is inspired by a teacher and created for education. Twitter is a public conversation where anyone can read and join in with a thread (unless the settings are altered) and it has not been built with education in mind.

For those interested on the differences between using Twitter and TodaysMeet, you might like to read this teacher’s experience of using both Twitter and TodaysMeet in teaching. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Poll Everywhere: interactive, mobile and now at Sussex

Poll Everywhere


Poll Everywhere – build interaction into lectures

You may have recently heard that, ready for the start of the new term, the University of Sussex has licensed Poll Everywhere.

Poll Everywhere is a student response system that allows students to give instant answers or feedback on presented content, via their mobile phones, laptops or tablet devices.

Poll Everywhere can be used to gather ideas, test knowledge or canvas the opinion of a class/audience.

How does it work?

Poll Everywhere is web-based and can be managed both through a web browser or through the Poll Everywhere app. The user is able to create and launch polls either by using a computer or a smart device, including a mobile phone. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Feedly: Make the internet come to you

Feedly image

creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by melenita2012

Each month the TEL team will be introducing you to a useful resource and this time it is Feedly; the app that allows you to bring together everything you regularly view on the web.

Feedly is an app that allows you to collect, read and share new content from your favourite websites, blogs and feeds. It works like an  RSS (Really Simple Syndication) collection service for all the content you usually view on the web. RSS allows for people to subscribe to a webpage and have the information from that page sent to them, rather than having to manually visit the page themselves every time they want to be updated on its content. In this way, Feedly makes the web come to you, either through the app or through a web browser, rather than you having to go to the web.

The Feedly app allows you to:

  • Subscribe to RSS feeds to update you from your commonly used sites, blogs and feeds
  • Bookmark and save articles to read later
  • Share articles easily via email or SMS and on social networking sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google+)
  • Use the Buffer integration to schedule when articles are shared on social media.
  • Read more ›

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Posted in App review, Technology Enhanced Learning

Smarter study – 5 essential apps for students

iPhone Apps

creative commons licensed (BY-NC) flickr photo by Daniel Y.

It’s the start of a new academic year and, to help new and returning students make the best possible start to the new term, the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team have compiled a list of five of the top apps to help you with studying and managing your time.

These apps are available across all platforms. This means that whether you are using your mobile phone, a tablet, a laptop, or inter-changing between all three, you can still access your study apps.

We have included only student-friendly apps that offer a basic free version in our top five. Read more ›

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Posted in App review, Technology Enhanced Learning

Digital, interactive and inclusive at Sussex #melsigus

On Tuesday 9th September, the University of Sussex was pleased to host a Media Enhanced Learning and Special Interest MELSIG_logo
Group (MELSIG) event. ‘Digital Media Interaction and Inclusivity’ explored accessibility, inclusion, and some of the ways in which digital media can be used to address disadvantage in teaching and learning.

The story of MELSIG

Andrew Middleton, Head of Innovation & Professional Development at Sheffield Hallam University and Chair of MELSIG, delivered a lively introduction and overview of MELSIG’s history. Initially funded by the HEA and formerly known as ‘Podcasts for Pedagogy’, the group is now self-organising and self-financing. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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