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Digital, interactive and inclusive at Sussex #melsigus

On Tuesday 9th September, the University of Sussex was pleased to host a Media Enhanced Learning and Special Interest Group (MELSIG) event. ‘Digital Media Interaction and Inclusivity’ explored accessibility, inclusion, and some of the ways in which digital media can be

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

ALT-C: The ‘coming of age’ of learning technology #altc

  Anne Hole, a member of the Sussex TEL team, was one of over 400 delegates at the Association for Learning Technology’s ‘Riding Giants’ conference this week. This is her report. This was a huge conference so this post is

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Posted in External events, Technology Enhanced Learning

Open world, connected world

Nick Botfield, Learning Technologist for the Sciences, attended the Academic Practice and Technology (APT) Conference at the University of Greenwich, which focused on how teaching and learning can become more connected. Waves of change The conference was organised to ‘provide

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Posted in External events, Technology Enhanced Learning

Digital, interactive and inclusive?

Digital media and associated technologies afford many new opportunities to enhance and innovate in teaching and similarly to support and enrich student learning. Used positively, these technologies can facilitate interaction and active engagement (both within the classroom and beyond), and

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Future fit: building a digital institution

How can recent innovations in educational technology be used to support university life? This was the essence of  the debate at Building the Digital Institution, a recent conference held by the Centre for Educational Technology, Interoperability and Standards (Cetis). Pete Sparkes from

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Digital devices take reading back to its social roots

  When I imagine my ideal setting for reading a good book, I think of a comfy chair, a cup of coffee and some soft background music. Your perfect reading situation might be different, but it is likely that what

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

The e-Classroom: From Flipped to Global to MOOC

Exploring Technology, Enquiry, and Pedagogy Monitoring emerging trends in learning technology and guiding the development of innovative teaching practice is a core activity of the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team here at the University of Sussex. On 26th June 2014, Nick Botfield,

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Posted in External events, Technology Enhanced Learning

Bring Your Own Devices for Learning (BYOD4L)

Members of the Technology Enhanced Learning team will be helping to facilitate BYOD4L or ‘Bring Your Own Devices for Learning’, an open online learning event starting on Monday, July 14th and we would like to invite students and teaching staff

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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