creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by European Parliament
Mobile devices are becoming a familiar part of people’s lives and it became clear during the recent Mobile Technologies Week here at the University of Sussex that many staff and students are interested in finding ways of making the most of their smartphones, tablets and laptops for learning and teaching.
Next week, from Monday 12th to Friday 16th January there is another opportunity to explore the possibilities of digital devices for learning and teaching. Bring Your Own Devices for Learning (BYOD4L) is an informal 5-day online learning experience that will bring together educators and students from across the world using social media to connect, share and learn together.
Created by Chrissi Nerantzi (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Sue Beckingham (Sheffield Hallam University), BYOD4L is running for the third time and continues to grow. It is now being facilitated by colleagues from nine universities, including Sussex, and is also linking up with educators in Texas for an online education chat. Participants from beyond the collaborating institutions are also welcome and we expect a stimulating mix of educators and learners from around the globe.
Nick Botfield (Technology Enhanced Learning) and Suzanne Tatham (Library) will be acting as facilitators, with Anne Hole (Technology Enhanced Learning) serving as a mentor. They will be involved in the various online spaces where BYOD4L conversations will be taking place – Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
Each of the 5 days will focus on a different topic:
Each day, scenarios on the BYOD4L WordPress site will prompt reflection, discussion and further learning activities. Social media will allow participants to share their experiences and learn from one another and a live Twitter chat each evening on the topic of the day will bring a dynamic element to the event.
Suzanne Tatham, who was a participant last time Sussex took part in BYOD4L and will be facilitating this time says:
BYOD4L is a great opportunity to explore learning within a mobile environment. Last year’s Tweetchat was great for peer support and finding out about new ways to connect and create content.
As well as the online parts of BYOD4L there will be an opportunity for participants from the University of Sussex to get together offline with members of the TEL team on Monday 12th January to discuss the themes for the week, their own use of mobile devices and what they want to get from the week.
Monday meet-up 13.30-14.30 Essex House 133. Book via Sussex Direct
How to join in BYOD4L at Sussex
There is no formal registration process – on Monday 12th January you can just go to the start here page on the BYOD4L website. But if you are working or studying at the University of Sussex and are joining in with BYOD4L please complete the initial survey or email tel@sussex.ac.uk so that you can be informed about the Monday meet-up.
If you are keen to get started sooner you can join in the Texas chat on Sunday evening by using the #byod4lchat hashtag between 8pm and 9pm UK time.
Want to join in but not familiar with Twitter, Facebook or Google+?
If you want to join in but aren’t already using any of the social media tools that are central to BYOD4L, there are online resources that can help you. For example: Twitter offer guidance on getting started with Twitter; this YouTube video shows how to create a Facebook account and Google offer instructions on getting started on Googleplus.
If you are not sure which social media tool will suit you best the learning technologist for your school will be happy to chat with you about the options.
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