
Take 5 – online bitesize courses for Sussex staff

Take 5 is a series of bitesize online courses that offer academic and professional services staff at the University of Sussex the opportunity to gain an insight into five interesting learning technology topics including;

  • blogging
  • Twitter
  • apps
  • podcasting
  • open education

These short self-study courses aim to provide an introduction to these topics, highlighting the ways in which each learning technology can be useful in a teaching and learning context, and in day-to-day life.

Take 5 will be hosted on the university’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Study Direct, making use of many of the resource and activity tools available.

Take 5: how it works

TEL team_blog post

Your Take 5 facilitators

Each course will run over five days from Monday to Friday, giving participants the opportunity to gain an understanding of a topic in less than a week. They are intentionally designed for those who may be too busy to attend a one or two-hour workshop, with each day of the course intended to be completed during a lunch break or perhaps in the evening – essentially whenever someone can ‘Take 5’.

The daily sections will help you to define, discover, design and develop the chosen topic with the fifth day, ‘High 5’, containing useful top tips from an expert in that subject and a short quiz allowing participants to test what they have learnt.

Each day builds upon your understanding of the topic in order to give you a solid foundation from which you can then apply your new-found knowledge in the context of your own work and interests. Members of the Technology Enhanced Learning team will be available throughout the courses should you have any questions or wish to learn more about any of the topics. Throughout the courses, you will also be encouraged to share your thoughts, comments, ideas and resources with other participants using forums.

The Take 5 choices

Further details of each of the courses of Take 5 bitesize follow. You can take one course, two courses, or even try and complete all five. Don’t forget, digital badges are available for each course and count towards the TEL Champion badge.

  • Take 5 blog post 1Blogs: an introduction to blogs and blogging. This course will introduce you to the concept of blogging and will address how blogs can be used in teaching and learning as well as in your daily life. We will look at ways in which you can discover blogs, the history and impact of blogs, as well as providing you with guidance to help you set up your own blog.
    15th June – 19th June Register here
  • Twitter: from tweeting and following to hashtags and Twitter chats, this course will give you a Take 5 blog post 2comprehensive introduction to Twitter. You will set up your own account and be guided through the terminology of Twitter. We will also explore ways in which Twitter can be used effectively in a teaching and learning context as well as looking at the ways in which you can establish and develop your personal learning network (PLN).
    22nd June – 26th June Register here
  • Apps: this course will show you how to get the most out of your mobile device by addressing Take 5 blog post 3the ways in which you can discover and download apps and the different ways in which they can assist you both in teaching and learning and in day to day life. Throughout the week you will discover many useful apps for organisation and productivity as well as ways in which apps can be used to create engaging activities and resources.
    29th June – 3rd July Register here
  • Podcasting: Take 5: Podcasting will take you through how to plan, write and record your own Take 5 blog post 4podcast (audio file) in easy steps. Throughout the course you will look at ways in which you can find useful podcasts and will be introduced to some great free tools that will allow you to create your own podcasts. Sign up and discover how to use podcasts to provide new and exciting teaching resources. 6th July – 10th July Register here
  • Open: this course aims to give you an introduction to open education and open Take 5 blog post 5education resources (OERs). During Take 5: Open you will be introduced to the concept of openness in education, creative commons licences, ways to find OERs and use them in teaching and learning as well as adapt and remix OERs. 13th July – 17th July Register here


Participants are welcome to sign up to all five of the Take 5 courses or pick and choose
between the courses available, with Open Badges available for each of the Take 5
courses. Sign up and learn about an engaging new topic in a way that fits around your schedule.

Any Take 5 questions? If you have any queries about any of the courses, or suggestions for leaning technology topics you would like to see in the Take 5 format, please email the team sussextel@sussex.ac.uk.

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