This year Mobile/Technologies Week will run from 23rd to 27th November and once again the Library and Technology Enhanced Learning have come together to provide staff and students at the University of Sussex with a great programme of events around the use of mobile devices and technologies to support teaching, learning and research. This year we have broadened out the programme to include examples of innovative use of technologies at Sussex, with input from our students and academics. See the Mobile/Technologies Week webpages for information and booking details for each of the following events. Anyone with a twitter account can also join in online throughout the week using the #sussexmtw hashtag.
We kick off the week with ‘Apps for researchers’, hosted by the Sussex Research Hive. The session will see Doctoral Researchers sharing some of the tools available on mobile devices that can make research life easier, ideal to help boost your productivity or assist you during your PhD. The afternoon session, ‘SRS SOS: Using student response systems in the classroom’, will introduce you to two apps that take advantage of mobile devices to increase student engagement and interaction in lectures and seminars – Poll Everywhere and ResponseWare. ResponseWare is a new addition to the university’s range of mobile response systems and can be used alongside traditional ‘clicker’ handsets. A new ‘Take 5: ebooks’ online course will also be running throughout the week with new topics released daily.
Join us on Tuesday for ‘Innovating teaching with TEL’ to learn about the ways in which University of Sussex staff and students have been innovating teaching practices and enhancing student learning through the TEL Innovation Scheme. We will be hearing from five projects from across the schools, from doing punk online to DIY microscopes. Come along and get inspired.
In the afternoon we will have a ‘Pop-up Makerspace’ in which CEO of MakerClub, Simon Riley, will lead a hands-on workshop that looks at how the Internet of Things will change the way we work and create. Simon will be talking about his experience developing connected mobile hardware and software with wireless demonstrations and activities.
Kick off the day on Wednesday by ‘Making an augmented reality magic book for mobile devices’. This hands-on workshop will provide an introduction to the past, present and future of augmented reality technology followed by a practical session to create a “magic book” that triggers playback of various multimedia files. Also running in the morning is ‘Apps and tools for study’ in which students can explore a variety of apps and tools to use for study, a great session to get ready for Christmas revision. Come prepared to share your own experiences of tools and apps that you have tried or would like to try.
This year the app swap is back with a twist and will focus on ‘Apps, Wearables and ‘The Quantified Self’’, exploring the rising use of mobile apps and wearable technologies to monitor and inform aspects of our health and wellbeing. During this session we will be joined by colleagues from the University of Brighton, join us for breakfast and join in the fun.
Have you got an ORCiD? How do you ensure that your work is attributed to you? How can you distinguish yourself from other researchers with the same name as you? ORCiD provides a persistent digital identifier that links you and your professional activities, so join us on Thursday afternoon to ensure that your work is recognised.

flickr photo by jblyberg shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
Come along on Friday morning for ‘Ebooks on the go’ to experiment with downloading ebooks provided by the Library. Find out how the functionality differs when using mobile versions and which features are available. If possible bring a mobile device with you, a few devices will be available. Finally, Friday afternoon will see the return of our popular workshop ‘Lights, camera, apption’, a creative workshop in which you will learn to film, edit and share your own videos all from your mobile device.
To find out more about any of these events and to book visit the Mobile/Technologies Week page. We look forward to seeing you there!
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