Canvas news: an update on progress

Canvas Update

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology]

Since our last Canvas update in early February, work has continued at full pace, with a focus on preparing training for all staff and establishing the mechanisms for creating module areas, accounts for staff and students and contributory assessment based on the University database records. Read on for more information about our progress.

Training and access

We have now finalised a two-hour Canvas Fundamentals workshop, which will form an essential introduction for all staff to the new VLE. Attendees will get access to Canvas and have an opportunity to start working on existing migrated content for their modules, supported by Learning Technologists from Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL).

The workshop will address the following:

  • An overview of Canvas
  • Getting started and finding your way around
  • Getting help & support
  • Creating and managing module activities and content

This workshop will form the basis for follow up training as required by individual Schools/staff members. The first date (of many) will be the 20th April, and you can reserve your place on this or subsequent sessions via our Canvas Fundamentals Training page on the TEL website.

Migrating content from Study Direct

As the training information suggests, we have now completed migration for all the Autumn 2017 modules and Learning Technologists from TEL have reviewed every module to ensure all migrated content is present and correct (some 700 sites!). Once you sign up for the Canvas Fundamentals training you will receive access to the relevant modules and will be able to begin working on them during the workshop.

We are currently planning for the migration of the Spring and Autumn-Spring modules and will get this underway as soon as teaching finishes, with Summer and all-year modules to follow at an appropriate point.

Establishing e-submission and e-feedback

Extensive work has been underway to model the setup and management of contributory e-submission assignments linking the University records database with Canvas. We are now prototyping and testing these models and will develop detailed guidance for students, tutors and others involved in the assessment process.  We’ll publish an update on progress with this important work in the coming weeks.

Working with University partners

We are also in conversation with IDS and Study Group International to ensure our partners are prepared for Canvas and able to take advantage of the exciting opportunities it offers them.

Please keep in touch with us via this blog for future updates – you can also subscribe to the Canvas posts via RSS.

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