
Autumn Term Conference and Event round-up

Educational Enhancement (EE) team members have been organising, attending, and presenting at a range of conferences and events over the Autumn term. This is part of our work keeping an eye on sector developments as well as disseminating our own good practice and research. This post lists some of the events we have been taking part in.

Pedagogic Revolution: Co-creation in the curriculum – November 2022

The Pedagogic Revolution ran a workshop on Student co-creation in the curriculum in November. Co-creation in the curriculum can help empower and engage your students, while developing a collaborative environment that reflects the diversity of your learning community. The workshop explored co-creation in theory and in practice and showcased co-creation from across the University. The following students and staff spoke about their projects:

  • Class, culture, and conflict – a view from within: Carli Rowell (LPS)
  • Assessment criteria and feedback: Susan Smith (USBS) and Dan Axson (EE)
  • Inclusivity within the curriculum: Katherine Kruger (MAH)

Following on from the talks, participants were given the time and resources to consider how co-creation could be embedded into their own teaching.

Playful Leadership Workshop – Huddersfield, November 2022

Playful Learning Association members met at the University of Huddersfield for a two-day event exploring the theme of Playful Leadership. A blog post about the event is available through the Playful Learning Association website.

 three overlapping cards with "Playful Leadership is..." printed at the top and various text hand printed in bright colours underneath, including: Inclusion and A State of Mind
A printing activity to define Playful Leadership.

DARE to Transform Community of Practice – November 2022

Dr Emma Newport provided the first lightening talk for the DARE Community of Practice this year. Emma showcased her project Sussex Writes, a creative writing programme with the aim of widening university participation through collaboration between the School of Media, Arts and Humanities and local schools and organisations.

The Community of Practice is a supportive space where ideas and opinions can be discussed honestly and opportunities for collaboration are welcome. Further events will be advertised over the year.

China and Higher Education 2022: (Re)imagining Kindness in Times of Conflict – December 2022 (online)

The 2022 China and Higher Education (#ChinaHE22) conference focused on ‘kindness’, in light of social and political climates characterised by increasing levels of polarisation and even international conflict. The conference presented a diverse range of views on what it means to be kind in higher education and the impact kindness has on academic and personal progression. Here is a list of the conference presentations and their recordings.

Coming Up

Thursday May 4th – Educational Enhancement will be hosting an Education Festival during the day followed by the Education Awards in the evening, both at the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts. The festival will be a chance to share your practice with colleagues across the University.

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Posted in Events, External events

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