Blog Archives

Open chat about Open Badges #LTHEchat

This Wednesday (29th April 2015) the popular weekly Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Twitter chat (#LTHEchat) will be focusing on Open Badges. What is a Tweetchat? Tweetchats are a great opportunity to learn by connecting with other HE educators

Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Digital tools for writing at university

There are many mobile apps and browser-based digital tools that are designed to help with life at university, but it can be difficult to know which to choose for particular tasks. In September we ran a blog post on ‘Smarter

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

What is Open Education? #openeducationwk

Open Education is a movement, a set of practices, a collection of resources and a range of tools. What brings them together is the aim of sharing knowledge, and technology is making that possible with an ease and on a

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Open Education Week at Sussex 9-13 March 2015 #openeducationwk

Next week is Open Education Week (OEW) and for the second year, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and the Library are joining forces to mark OEW at the University of Sussex and bring colleagues events and resources on the theme of

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Connect, share and learn with mobile devices 12-16 January #BYOD4L

Mobile devices are becoming a familiar part of people’s lives and it became clear during the recent Mobile Technologies Week here at the University of Sussex that many staff and students are interested in finding ways of making the most of their

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Posted in External events, Technology Enhanced Learning

Let it snow! Online options to beat the winter

The Autumn term is over and the weather is turning colder. Bad weather and illness can disrupt well-laid plans for face-to-face teaching, but digital technologies offer ways for learning to continue, despite the worst that winter can throw at us.

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Ebooks – what’s not to love? #sussexmtw

Ebooks have seen a huge increase in popularity, with the University of Sussex Library now providing access to approximately 100,000 titles for staff and students to explore. In the second of this week’s posts to mark Mobile Technologies Week Julian Robinson (Learning

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Introducing SoundCloud: an audio recording and sharing platform

For October’s app review we would like to introduce an audio-streaming and sharing service called SoundCloud. What is SoundCloud? SoundCloud is a service for uploading your own audio files and finding those created by others. There is a strong social element

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Posted in App review

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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