Blog Archives

The online Global Festival of Active Learning

In 2022 the Active Learning Network, with the University of Sussex, Anglia Ruskin University, University of Glasgow, the University of Coventry and other key universities, hosted the second Global Online Festival of Active Learning. The Active Learning Network is a

Posted in Events

What is your problem? Apps that can help problem-based learning exercises

Interested to know more about the practices and theories behind problem-based learning (often shortened to its acronym PBL), the Active Learning Network set up a problem-based learning exploration hour last month which was attended by a number of educationalists across

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Posted in Learning Design, Learning Technologies

Authentic assessments: using Wikipedia in the University classroom

Ever since I met Dr Nimi Hoffmann in the corridors or Essex House and talked to her about her use of Wikipedia in her teaching I have been inspired by the idea. Nimi, Dr Cecile Chavalier, Matthew Taylor, Dr Richard

Posted in Active learning

Active Reading: Five ways to engage students in their reading

Thankyou for reading this EE blog, this post is representative at the time it was written. There is a lot of talk about Active Learning and the importance of learning by doing, but isn’t reading a kind of doing? In

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Posted in Active learning

The rise of recognition apps

It is now extremely easy to identify just about anything on mobile devices through image recognition apps. From plants to insects, from foreign words to ancient texts, from rare paintings to state of the art buildings, from fingerprints to faces,

Posted in Apps and tools

Flexible tools for teaching online and face-to-face

As we start to deliver face-to-face teaching, with some students still not able to make it onto campus, it is a good time to think about teaching tools which can be used online and face-to-face. One inclusive way to think

Posted in Uncategorized

The tech behind the Online Festival of Learning

The Technology Enhanced Learning team has been core to the Active Learning Network from its creation in 2017. The network is a group of educationalists who share an interest in active approaches to learning. We have a growing number of

Posted in Active learning

Portfolio use in teaching: initial steps in developing support for tutors

By Dr. Sarah Watson & Dr. Paolo Oprandi By the time that students have graduated from university, they will have completed a number of modules in order to obtain their degree. For each module they will usually have produced study

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Posted in Learning Design

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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