Blog Archives

TEL Workshops in Spring 2017

Introduction We’d like to extend a warm welcome back to all staff and students as we move into 2017. This term, TEL are offering a range of workshops for teaching staff, so why not sign up to brush up your

Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Mini-broadcasting with Anchor FM: Radio by the people

One of the greatest pleasures of a new colleague is the new ideas and ways of thinking that they bring to a team. New learning technologist Tab Betts (@MrTabKey) introduced the Sussex TEL team to Anchor FM during Digital Innovation Week

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Posted in Learning Design, Technology Enhanced Learning

3 steps to improving your time management with digital tools

Everyone is busy and sometimes it seems we are too busy to find ways to organise our time better. This post will take you through three steps to improving the way you manage that most precious resource – your time. 

Posted in Digital scholarship, Technology Enhanced Learning

#DIWSussex Makerspaces, conductive ink and more…

As part of Digital Innovation Week 2016 Pollie Barden (@polliepi), Lecturer in Product Design, ran a ‘Makerspace: Light an LED with Pencil, Ink and Paper’ workshop which introduced participants to ways of making simple circuits out of paper, pencils and

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Technology Enhanced Learning

Keep calm and use technology #DIWSussex

I recently wrote How to overcome barriers when using tech in your teaching. The post inspired me to think of more ways to introduce technology into your teaching, especially if you are new to using technology, worried, reluctant – or

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Learning Design, Technology Enhanced Learning

Exploring spherical photography in Digital Innovation Week #DIWSussex

There are many exciting events lined up for Digital Innovation Week which began yesterday (Monday 28th November 2016) and runs through until Friday. Today, we are looking at the Spherical Photography session which will be held on Friday 2nd December

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Technology Enhanced Learning

Learning in the post-digital age #DIWSUSSEX

In  this first of five blog posts that we’ll be publishing as part of Digital Innovation Week here at the University of Sussex we interview Professor Peter Hartley ahead of an invited seminar he will be delivering here at the

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

5 Tips for Multimedia Enhanced Teaching and Learning

There is an updated version of this post. How can we use multimedia content to make learning more effective? The traditional approach to teaching in higher education tends to limit learners to reading texts, listening to lectures and discussing ideas

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Posted in Learning Design, Technology Enhanced Learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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