Talis Insight 2015 – the changing geography of learning

TalisLast week Sally and I visited Birmingham’s ICC for the first day of Talis Insight 2015, a two day event bringing together a combination of learning technologists and library staff in higher education to explore how learning and teaching is being transformed by technology. The first day featured Sussex’s own Kitty Inglis and Suzanne Tatham as well as much talk of digital identities, ebooks and learning analytics. However, what stood out for me was the idea that the digital is transforming the geography of learning. Read more ›

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Love your computer’s secret tips and tricks


creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Sebastian Landwirt

What can your computer do for you? Lots, in fact. There are many computer and keyboard tips and tricks that can help you. Whether you are creating resources for teaching, saving and closing your documents in a hurry, or even presenting in the lecture theatre.

Read on for the TEL team’s favourite keyboard tips that can help you either save time or save that document you’ve been working on for hours from the accidental trash can. Read more ›

Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

The perfect blend: a brilliant speaker and the perfect listener

Pic 1Professor Sally Brown is a National Teaching Fellow, Emerita Professor of Higher Education Diversity at Leeds Metropolitan University and a former PVC.

Sally was also keynote speaker at the recent Sussex Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, ‘Strategies for Student Engagement’.

Cogi is an audio recording app I discovered the day before.

Bring Sally and Cogi together and I can now happily bring highlights of the keynote to you. Read more ›

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Posted in App review, Technology Enhanced Learning

Happy Easter from @SussexTEL


creative commons licensed (BY-NC) flickr photo by julochka

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Digital tools for writing at university

for blog 2

creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by UBC Library

There are many mobile apps and browser-based digital tools that are designed to help with life at university, but it can be difficult to know which to choose for particular tasks.

In September we ran a blog post on ‘Smarter Study’ which identified 5 essential apps for students. Today we are focusing on writing for university and highlighting how tools can come together in a digital writing workflow. Read more ›

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Introducing Prezi: a virtual canvas for presenting ideas.


For March’s app review we would like to introduce a presentation and storytelling software called Prezi.

What is Prezi?

Prezi is a cloud-based service for presenting ideas from a virtual canvas. Cloud-based means that it lives on a server on the internet rather than on your computer.

Prezi allows individuals or groups to work online to create ‘Prezis’ using a mix of text, graphic and multimedia content ‘framed’ onto to a scalable 3D canvas.

The interface includes a zoom function which allows users to navigate through frames on the canvas which display using a variation of angles and levels of magnification.

See the following ‘What is Prezi?’ presentation to view an example of Prezi and learn more about how it works. Read more ›

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Screencasting and podcasting: create rich learning resources


creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by brainblogger

We often hear podcasts and screencasts discussed as learning resources, but what exactly are they? And how can you create them?

A podcast is an audio file that can be downloaded and listened to as and when individual listeners would like. A screencast is a recording of your computer screen which is usually accompanied by audio narration or captioning.

Take a look at some of the example podcasts suggested in our blog post ‘Learning on the move? Make the most of your commute?’, or view this screencasting example to see how the TEL team have used screencasting to create a learning resource for Poll Everywhere. Read more ›

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Getting started with your iPad


Photo by Kitty Horne

When it comes to the iPad, we in Sussex TEL usually write and publish blog posts concerning new and exciting apps, methods of recording video and ways of using the iPad in teaching and learning.

However, we have recently realised that, whilst all these things are great and useful to many, we may have missed out the step of getting started with the iPad, which is where others may be.

We hope that this blog post, coupled with the ‘Getting started with your iPad workshop we are delivering on 27th March 2015, will reach anyone who has been left in iPad purgatory and needs a helping hand.
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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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