Using Creative Commons images in presentations

Creative Commons image

Presentations and lectures are improved by having interesting and engaging images in them – they make ideas and concepts more memorable and easier to understand. Provocative or humorous images can create a reaction and lift a presentation.

The challenge is to find good quality images that can be used without breaching copyright. Just because an image is easily accessible on the internet does not mean that it is in the public domain as far as copyright is concerned.

Fortunately there are a lot of images, and videos, licensed under Creative Commons licences. With these licences, copyright owners allow others to copy, distribute, and make some uses of their work – within the terms of the three levels of CC licences.

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New! Introducing the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Team

Welcome to the University of Sussex Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) blog. We’re a new team and in our first post our aim is to introduce you to the services we offer and to give you an idea of how TEL can support you to enhance your teaching and research and your students’ learning through the effective use of technology.

photo (4)We’re based in Essex House and our support structure is built on a cluster basis with a dedicated liaison Learning Technologist working with Schools in the Arts, Social Sciences and Sciences. We aim to be highly visible so you will see us ‘out and about’ in schools working with staff, getting to know you and your students, and identifying your individual and disciplinary specific learning technology needs.

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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