TEL:US Podcast: Daniel Hajas

Daniel Hajas is a PHD Student at the University of Sussex, working
multisensory experiences, with special emphasis on the topic of using mid-air haptic interfaces for science communication in the Sussex Human Computer Interaction lab.

As part of our Digital Accessibility series I caught up with Daniel about his experience of losing his sight at age 17. A crucial time in education and just as he was planning his university journey. Daniel talks about his experience of this, the challenges and how he was supported, along with some tools he uses. Daniel finishes by giving some great advice. Check it out on Spotify below. Or subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts or Anchor.FM


How it was made

Each time i record a podcast, I do something different. Still trying to find the right tools or the easiest tools for the job. It’s also quite fun playing around with different combinations of tech. So from here on in, until I settle on a preferred set up I will list (in brief) the tools and workflow I used.

For this show:

  • Twin lapel mic and iPad for interview
  • Record into app for iOS
  • Export audio to GarageBand to try and fix audio
  • Record host intro and outro with Blue Snowball and MacBook Pro into GarageBand
  • Build show in GarageBand
  • Export to
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Posted in Accessibility, Podcast, Uncategorized

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