Blog Archives

Five things you can do right away to make your in person teaching more accessible and inclusive

Accurate transcripts are important for people who need them, whether it be for deaf students, international students or perhaps where there is a lot of technical language. For each of these groups, inaccurate transcripts can be severely impactful when it

Posted in Accessibility, AI, Inclusive teaching

What Use are QUESTIONS to a Learning Technologist?

by Dan Axson, Learning Technologies Manager, University of Sussex In my previous posts I put forward the first two of (what I believe are) three key attributes of any Learning Technologist (LT): kindness to yourself and others and (using the

Posted in Educational Enhancement, Learning Technologies, Professional Development

What is a Learning Technologist and how a train to Huddersfield helped me find the answer

Blue headphones being held over yellow background with cord trailing.

In my last post I said I’d be exploring more on the topic of what is a Learning Technologist (LT). There has been a lot of excellent work on this of course, detailing the varied and complex roles, tasks, job

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Posted in AI, digital skills, Learning Technologies

A cheat code for Learning Technologists

I’m hoping to tell you something you already know. This post is as much a celebration of the team I work in as it is a mission statement for the year ahead. This is a post about kindness. First, some

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Posted in Uncategorized

Why we still need to talk about digital skills in 2023

If you stand near me long enough, I’ll start talking about digital skills and if I had a soapbox, I’d be standing on it. I think it’s one of the most important areas of personal and professional development, however it’s

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Posted in Accessibility, digital skills

The F word or, how you can learn to stop worrying and love the process

Wooden hand pointing to the left of the frame. The wooden hand sign occupies most of the frame, the ground is covered in snow.

Yes, we’re of course talking about feedback. So, what is feedback? This excerpt taken from our Effective Feedback page on the Educational Enhancement website, sums it up nicely. ‘Effective feedback involves sense-making. It should help students to make sense of

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Posted in feedback

TEL:US Podcast with Professor Pam Parker – Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

TEL:US Podcast logo.

In what now seems a distant memory, our last on campus seminar was the first of the DARE to Transform seminars. Sessions to support colleagues who are on the Scholarship track at the University. In this session Professor Pam Parker

Posted in Podcast

Accessibility Tips: Creating accessible resources

It might feel daunting to create an accessible document from scratch. Luckily with just a few good design principles you can create wonderfully accessible documents in just a few simple steps. Making documents accessible isn’t about making everything the same

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Posted in Accessibility

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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