Blog Archives

Flexible learning for teaching staff

It has always been difficult to find times and spaces to train staff in some of the tools and platforms they need to use in their teaching. Now, in addition to on-campus and online sessions the Educational Enhancement team are

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Posted in Professional Development

The F word or, how you can learn to stop worrying and love the process

Wooden hand pointing to the left of the frame. The wooden hand sign occupies most of the frame, the ground is covered in snow.

Yes, we’re of course talking about feedback. So, what is feedback? This excerpt taken from our Effective Feedback page on the Educational Enhancement website, sums it up nicely. ‘Effective feedback involves sense-making. It should help students to make sense of

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Feedback templates: designing flexible rubrics and grading forms

During the summer of 2020 the University of Sussex Business School worked with a team of student connectors to co-create a series of new marking criteria for each level of study. The project sought to ensure quality and provide consistency,

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Rubrics and you

Providing responsive and consistent feedback to students is an important if challenging part of assessment, however there are techniques and tools that can help you as a marker to leave great feedback. One of those techniques, and the focus of

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Posted in feedback, Marking and assessment

Feedback options in Turnitin and Canvas SpeedGrader

‘Assessment and Feedback’ is a somewhat notorious category within National Student Survey data, frequently ranked poorly compared to other areas. This trend is present in most UK universities even when ‘Student Satisfaction’ is ranked highly. The 2021 Student Academic Experience

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5 steps to effective formative assessment in Canvas

Good formative assessment throughout a module is key to achieving good student outcomes .It helps students and tutors to gauge how they are progressing and to identify areas to focus on. It also provides opportunities to practice and prepare for

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Peer feedback for student learning

Professionals in all fields are constantly giving feedback to, and receiving feedback from, their peers. This blog post, for example, was reviewed by one of my colleagues before it was published and they made suggestions for ways to improve it.

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Feed Forward: 5 steps for students to make the most of feedback

What is feedback and why is it important? Feedback on your performance at university comes in many forms – it could be something as simple as your tutor nodding in agreement when you make a point in seminar discussion, responses

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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