Blog Archives

New Resources for Canvas: Embedded Library Subject Guides

One of the features that stands out about Canvas is the ability to connect other systems into the modules, extending them with additional activities and activities. Recently, our library colleagues have been working to provide just such an integration for the Library Subject Guides and we’re delighted to have a guest post from Chris Brown, explaining how to add Subject Guide content in any Sussex Canvas module.

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Posted in Apps and tools, Canvas

Canvas highlights 8: Embedded Reading Lists

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] As part of the ongoing work to integrate core University resources with Canvas, we’re really delighted that the

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Posted in Canvas, Images and Copyright

Canvas Know-how 3: Managing the Module Menu

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] One of the most significant differences between the structures of Study Direct and Canvas is an increased range

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Posted in Canvas

Canvas news: an update on progress

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] Since our last Canvas update in early February, work has continued at full pace, with a focus on

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Posted in Canvas

Moving to Canvas: what’s happening behind the scenes

Since the first announcement of our decision to adopt Canvas, there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes to get the new virtual learning environment (VLE) ready for our staff and students. Some of this work

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Posted in Canvas

Canvas will replace StudyDirect as the Sussex VLE

From the beginning of the 2018/19 academic year, Sussex will be using Canvas as the institutional Virtual Learning Environment. Canvas will enhance our capability to offer a truly modern, digital learning experience, combining an intuitive, clean workspace with robust, cloud-based

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Posted in Canvas

Autumn 2017 TEL Workshops

Image: “My Life Through A Lens” Over the Summer we’ve been beavering away developing an exciting menu of workshops and training activities for the Autumn term, blending our most popular sessions from last year with a range of new workshops

Posted in Accessibility, digital skills, Events, feedback, Marking and assessment, Technology Enhanced Learning

Professional Development Opportunities for the Start-of-Term

TEL Professional Development

We’re pleased to announce a new programme of professional development opportunities for the beginning of the new term, which are open to all academic and professional staff. These seven workshops, running at various times over the next three weeks, provide

Posted in digital skills, Marking and assessment, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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