Blog Archives

Peer Learning with Canvas

Peer learning is a term that covers a broad spectrum of activities in which students work together to further their learning, from peer teaching, to group working, to peer assessment. There are great benefits to be seen from peer learning

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Posted in Canvas, Learning Design

The Great Firewall of China: restricted access to commonly used websites and resources

Thankyou for reading this EE blog post this is representative at the time it was written. In the current climate of travel restrictions, shielding and limits to student numbers on campus, the student body is much more dispersed than in

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Posted in Blended learning, Canvas, digital skills, Learning Design, Learning Technologies

Tips for producing accessible online video presentations that will last.

Autumn term is fast approaching and with the move to planning for online delivery first, many people are thinking about pre-recording short video presentations to use in their teaching.  Here are some tips to make these engaging, accessible and reduce

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Posted in Panopto

CEW: Child Enhanced Working

The day starts with calm but it’s not long before our youngest starts screaming. The noise finally subsides as the children are ushered in front of the iPad for 30 minutes of Cosmic Yoga, buying time for the morning meeting.

Posted in Case Study

Exploring 3D objects for online learning

Early in the Coronavirus lockdown 2020, what seems an age ago now, parents found a new digital toy to amuse their children. Google had released a new feature in their search results where the search terms ‘panda’ or ‘tiger’ would

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Posted in AR/VR/360, Learning Technologies, Uncategorized

Accessibility tips: Mobile accessibility

Accessibility is a hot topic in Higher Education. Around 15% of the student population at the University of Sussex have registered disabilities with potentially many more who have unidentified or undisclosed needs.  Mobile devices and the iPhone in particular have

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Posted in Accessibility

Focus on Panopto: recording at your desk

Panopto’s headline function is lecture capture but you don’t have to be in a classroom to record a Panopto video. The ability to record at your desk or elsewhere using your own laptop opens up a range of other use

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Posted in Panopto

InShot – A video editor for Android and iOS

Thankyou for reading this EE blog post this is representative at the time it was written. Since the introduction of Panopto at the University of Sussex, our thoughts have been on video. Panopto provides a great platform for delivering not

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Posted in App review, Mobile learning, Panopto, Uncategorized

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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