Blog Archives

Study Direct update: embed content from a range of popular apps and websites

It is now possible for staff to embed a range of external content within Study Direct (the University of Sussex Virtual Learning Environment). This enables you to incorporate a broader range of interactive resources and activities into your teaching which

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Posted in Learning Design, Study Direct

Professional Development Opportunities for the Start-of-Term

TEL Professional Development

We’re pleased to announce a new programme of professional development opportunities for the beginning of the new term, which are open to all academic and professional staff. These seven workshops, running at various times over the next three weeks, provide

Posted in digital skills, Marking and assessment, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

First impressions on Turnitin Feedback Studio from Sussex staff

This week, we provide a summary of first impressions from members of staff at the University of Sussex on Turnitin Feedback Studio. Between July and September, Technology Enhanced Learning have been busy running a series of workshops at the University

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Posted in feedback, Study Direct

Take 5 this summer and learn new skills

This summer Technology Enhanced Learning will be relaunching our hugely popular Take 5 series with some exciting new additions to our offer. Take 5 courses are a series of bitesize self-study online tutorials, open to all staff at the University of

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Posted in Mobile learning, Social media, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

Scaffolding student learning with lecture capture.

For this post, Tab Betts (Technology Enhanced Learning) spoke to Professor Janet Boddy (Education) about her experience of using lecture capture in her teaching at the University of Sussex. Listen here to what Janet had to say about how lecture

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Posted in Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

Electronic submission and feedback at Sussex – the story so far

This summer will see the graduation of the first student cohort to have experienced electronic submission and feedback throughout their time studying at Sussex. To mark this significant milestone, this blog post reflects on the story so far. Starting in 2014,

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Posted in Marking and assessment, Study Direct

Developing students’ discipline-specific vocabulary.

Thankyou for reading this EE blog post this is representative at the time it was written. Every discipline has its own specialist terms and concepts. As students progress in their studies they learn the relevant language, but when they begin

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Posted in Learning Design, Polling tools, Study Direct

Portfolios, assessment and Mahara

We have recently introduced the Mahara e-portfolio system at the University of Sussex, as part of our integrated e-submission and e-feedback solution (ESEF), electronically managing assessment from assignment brief to moderated marks. The primary aim of adding Mahara to our

Posted in Marking and assessment, Study Direct

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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