Blog Archives

Take 5 this summer and learn new skills

This summer Technology Enhanced Learning will be relaunching our hugely popular Take 5 series with some exciting new additions to our offer. Take 5 courses are a series of bitesize self-study online tutorials, open to all staff at the University of

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Posted in Mobile learning, Social media, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

Tell a story with Sutori

Sutori (previously known as HSTRY) is often thought of as a timeline tool, but Sutori ‘stories’ can be much more. With options to embed videos, sound files, create quizzes and add discussion forums it can be used by teachers and

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Posted in App review, Technology Enhanced Learning

Scaffolding student learning with lecture capture.

For this post, Tab Betts (Technology Enhanced Learning) spoke to Professor Janet Boddy (Education) about her experience of using lecture capture in her teaching at the University of Sussex. Listen here to what Janet had to say about how lecture

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Posted in Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

MUGSE at Sussex, April 25th 2017

In a previous post, Antony Coombs wrote about ‘Portfolios, assessment and Mahara at Sussex’ outlining how the Mahara e-portfolio system has been introduced at the University. We are now pleased to be hosting the spring meeting of the Mahara Users Group Southern

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Posted in External events, Mahara, Marking and assessment, Technology Enhanced Learning

What’s new in the A-Z of apps?

Have you seen the Technology Enhanced Learning A-Z of apps recently? We now have nearly 100 entries on our list! If you’ve not yet had a chance to look through our selection of teaching and learning tools, head over now to see

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Posted in App review, Images and Copyright, Technology Enhanced Learning

5 more tips for multimedia enhanced teaching and learning

Why is a teacher like an artist? How can video, audio, digital annotation and other forms of multimedia be used in education? Due to the overwhelming response we had to our previous blog post 5 Tips for Multimedia Enhanced Teaching

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Posted in App review, Digital scholarship, Learning Design, Mobile learning, Technology Enhanced Learning

3 ways to develop rich resources on Study Direct (Moodle)

Most people start using the Sussex University VLE (Study Direct) to upload resources – usually slides from lectures. That is a great start, but there is much more that can be done to provide interesting and engaging resources for students. 

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Posted in Learning Design, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

Digital skills for post-university life

How can technology be used to help prepare for post-university life? There are many digital tools that can help students to start researching careers and building a positive online presence. We look at tools useful to a student or to a

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Technology Enhanced Learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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