Box of Broadcasts: media on-demand for teaching and learning #sussexmtw


BoB’s your uncle for video

TV and radio broadcasting can be used to deliver engaging content in a medium which can entertain, inform and educate. Combine this with online media streaming, on-demand service, educational licensing and you have Box of Broadcasts, a powerful educational resource enabling students and teachers to record, watch and share programmes in the classroom or from the comfort of home.

Broadcast media can be applied to teaching and learning within almost any discipline. It can be used to contextualise theories and ideas through current and historic events, communicate professional, media or public opinion and bias, easily explain complex ideas through visual presentation, provide examples and case studies to generate discussion and develop analytic skills and much more. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

‘Technology, technology, technology…’ a student’s view #sussexmtw

Lenart Celar, Eva Brittin-Snell and Lucy Hensher are the University of Sussex Library’s SAGE Undergraduate Scholars. They are part of a three year project that will help the Library to learn more about students’ information and learning behaviours.

They write regular blog posts on topics  ranging from “5 books that got you through your first year” to “Print v Digital – which do you prefer for studying?”.

In this latest post to mark Mobile Technologies Week here at the University of Sussex Lucy Hensher (@hensherlucy) gives us an insight into the role technology, and in particular mobile technology, plays in her learning. Read more ›

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Take the University everywhere with the Sussex mobile app #sussexmtw

Sussex mob app

Sussex ‘in your pocket’ with the Sussex mobile app

If you’re a student or staff member at the University of Sussex then you might not already be aware of the University’s free mobile app available for download from the IT Services download page.

The Sussex Mobile app was launched in 2010 and now has over 11,000 active users.

The app allows you to have access to all the University of Sussex facilities that you would usually access through a web browser, these include your University email and timetable, Study Direct, Sussex Direct, Skills Hub, and your Library account. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Ebooks – what’s not to love? #sussexmtw


University of Sussex Library provides access to over 100,000 Ebooks.

Ebooks have seen a huge increase in popularity, with the University of Sussex Library now providing access to approximately 100,000 titles for staff and students to explore. In the second of this week’s posts to mark Mobile Technologies Week Julian Robinson (Learning and Teaching Support Librarian at Sussex) makes the case for using Ebooks to support teaching and learning and provides guidance on how to access the Library’s extensive collection.

Ebooks offer some really useful features over print. For example, you can access them instantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, both on and off-campus. There’s extra functionality too, such as full text searching; great when you’re wanting to quickly read around your subject and identify a few paragraphs or chapters to read in more depth. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Try something new for Mobile Technologies Week – borrow a laptop with your Library card #sussexmtw


Available for six hour loan in the Library

The Library has teamed up with IT Services to bring you 20 Google Chromebooks, with an additional four due to arrive in the next few weeks.

You can borrow a Chromebook for up to six hours at a time in the Library – perfect for a good stint of study.

To borrow a Chromebook, you just need to visit the Library with your Library card. Next, locate the self-service Chromebook ‘home’ – just behind and left of the main Library service help desk –  and follow the instructions. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Are you using Socrative? An engaging tool to quiz student understanding


Socrative: enquiry-based learning in action

Socrates (470-399 BC) would be pleased to see his philosophy of enquiry-based learning underpinning Socrative; the easy to use, quiz resource for teachers.

By using Socrative, you can test your students’ knowledge to gauge their current level, check ‘in-lesson’ concept learning, and add interaction to classes as students respond via their mobile device.

Invite Socratic methods into your teaching by signing up for Socrative and merge the ancient philosophy of Socrates with the modern technologies and devices that we use today. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Learning on the move – Mobile Technologies Week!

Mob tech week

Mobile Technologies Week 17-21 November

The Library and Technology Enhanced Learning have come together to organise a week of exciting events for University of Sussex staff, students and researchers around the use of mobile technologies to support teaching and learning. Mobile Technologies Week begins on Monday, 17th November.

The programme aims to highlight the vast range of content and resources that can be created and consumed via mobile devices including smartphones, laptops, tablets and e-readers.  If you’re new to the world of apps, e-books and iPads there’ll be sessions to help you get started and expand your knowledge.  For those who are more mobile savvy why not try your hand at building a simple mobile app or learn how to produce and edit videos in a mobile environment. Read more ›

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Introducing SoundCloud: an audio recording and sharing platform


Audio and video in teaching and learning

For October’s app review we would like to introduce an audio-streaming and sharing service called SoundCloud.

What is SoundCloud?

SoundCloud is a service for uploading your own audio files and finding those created by others. There is a strong social element with easy sharing and options to add comments to tracks.

You can browse what’s popular (‘Trending Music’ or ‘Trending Audio’) or search for what you are interested in.

When you have found the track you want you can ‘Like’ it, add it to a playlist,
download it (see below for downloading limits) and/or share it to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Pinterest or by email. Read more ›

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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