Blog Archives

Seeing how it all fits together – a timeline for Art History

Last year Professor Liz James (Art History) received a Digital Practice Award. The purpose of the funding was to give staff the opportunity to develop or experiment with new tools, resources or teaching approaches with the potential to inform practice

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Posted in Learning Design, Learning Spaces, Mobile learning, Technology Enhanced Learning

Padlet for collaborative learning.

Over the last couple of years we have often mentioned Padlet in our blog posts* and workshops but never devoted a whole blog post to this versatile tool. As there have been some useful updates recently this seems like a

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Posted in App review, Mobile learning

Making meaning with Social Media

When you hear the phrase ‘social media’, probably the first association that springs into your mind is conversing through short-form messages and shared links or images. You probably also recognise a range of practices, conventions and behaviours, such as collaborative

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Learning Design, Mobile learning, Social media

Tech for active learning in large groups.

How can we promote and manage active learning during lectures? How can we measure student understanding and make sure that students are engaging with material? In 1972, Donald Bligh (1) undertook an extensive study on the use of the lecture

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Posted in Learning Design, Polling tools

Plickers! An easy-to-use quizzing tool

The TEL team recently demonstrated Plickers at the annual University of Sussex Teaching and Learning Conference 2016.  The theme of the conference was inclusivity. To build on this theme, we demonstrated how to use technology to encourage participation with two TEL

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Posted in Polling tools, Technology Enhanced Learning

Using forums effectively – ways to improve engagement

In a Virtual Learning Environment such as Study Direct (Moodle), forums can be a great way to share course information, build community and allow students to easily share resources and ideas. Last year our post The benefits of lurking in

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Posted in Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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