Blog Archives

Portfolios: Collecting the best

A portfolio is a collection of a students work built up over a specific period of time often highlighting their development and collating the best examples of their practice.  Portfolios can be a great tool for assessing students’ development as

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Posted in Learning Technologies, Uncategorized

Canvas ePortfolios

Canvas has a tool called Canvas ePortfolio which allows students to create a series of self contained ePortfolios. Each ePortfolio can be made up of a number of sections, each consisting of pages of content such as text, images, video

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Posted in Canvas

Portfolio use in teaching: initial steps in developing support for tutors

By Dr. Sarah Watson & Dr. Paolo Oprandi By the time that students have graduated from university, they will have completed a number of modules in order to obtain their degree. For each module they will usually have produced study

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Posted in Learning Design

Community, creativity, competencies and cuteness: MUGSE comes to Sussex.

The Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team at the University of Sussex recently hosted a meeting of the Mahara User Group for Southern England (MUGSE). The sun shone as nearly 30 participants from eleven institutions in the region gathered to share

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Posted in Mahara, Marking and assessment, Open Education

Enhanced Analytics in Mahara

The reporting capabilities within the leading open source eportfolio solution Mahara will be fundamentally enhanced in a future release as a result of a project led by the University of Sussex and Dublin City University (DCU).  The Higher Education Funding

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Posted in Mahara

MUGSE at Sussex, April 25th 2017

In a previous post, Antony Coombs wrote about ‘Portfolios, assessment and Mahara at Sussex’ outlining how the Mahara e-portfolio system has been introduced at the University. We are now pleased to be hosting the spring meeting of the Mahara Users Group Southern

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Posted in External events, Mahara, Marking and assessment, Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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