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Rubrics and you

Providing responsive and consistent feedback to students is an important if challenging part of assessment, however there are techniques and tools that can help you as a marker to leave great feedback. One of those techniques, and the focus of

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Posted in feedback, Marking and assessment

Feedback options in Turnitin and Canvas SpeedGrader

‘Assessment and Feedback’ is a somewhat notorious category within National Student Survey data, frequently ranked poorly compared to other areas. This trend is present in most UK universities even when ‘Student Satisfaction’ is ranked highly. The 2021 Student Academic Experience

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Preparing for the assessment period and Spring teaching term? Staff development opportunities from TEL

To celebrate the new year, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new programme of workshops and webinars taking place over January. What is this and who is it for? Technology Enhanced Learning provide advice, training and guidance

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Posted in Events

Feed Forward: 5 steps for students to make the most of feedback

What is feedback and why is it important? Feedback on your performance at university comes in many forms – it could be something as simple as your tutor nodding in agreement when you make a point in seminar discussion, responses

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First impressions on Turnitin Feedback Studio from Sussex staff

This week, we provide a summary of first impressions from members of staff at the University of Sussex on Turnitin Feedback Studio. Between July and September, Technology Enhanced Learning have been busy running a series of workshops at the University

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Posted in feedback, Study Direct

Constructively aligning criterion feedback using Turnitin

Implementing processes to support the electronic management of assessment has been a priority for many universities and colleges in recent years, with many making use of Turnitin as a means of checking the originality of submitted work and providing feedback to

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Posted in Marking and assessment, Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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