Blog Archives

Padlet maps and timelines

Padlet has been a popular tool for staff and students at Sussex for some time, which is why we have a Padlet Backpack licence and a range of guides and case studies on our website. As teaching and learning have moved

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Posted in Learning Technologies

Zoom for online teaching

The University of Sussex has now acquired an institutional licence for Zoom, making it available for all staff and students at Sussex. For staff using Zoom for teaching there are online guides and links to support webinars on the Teaching

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Posted in Apps and tools, Learning Technologies

Custard, empathy and the challenges of teaching: new case studies

The TEL team recently interviewed staff at the University of Sussex from Education, Economics and Law. They spoke to us about how they have been using technology to innovate their teaching practices. The topics they spoke to use about ranged

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Posted in Active learning, Case Study, Learning Technologies

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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