Blog Archives

Conference tweeting – some tips and tricks

Twitter is a great companion for academic conferences – before, during and after the event, the micro-blogging platform can expand and deepen the experience. This post offers some ideas for making the most of Twitter at your next conference. Building

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Posted in App review, Social media


This week we are introducing a fabulous social media tool, Instagram. Instagram is a social media app which allows users to share images and video clips. As social media sites like Facebook (which its worth noting is the parent company

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Posted in Active learning, App review, Social media

Blogs for academics – 5 great reasons to get involved

Blogs are all around us on the internet and you may sometimes read posts from popular news blogs without necessarily thinking of them as blogs or formally subscribing to them. For anyone involved in teaching and/or learning, however, there is

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Posted in digital skills, Social media

Take 5 this summer and learn new skills

This summer Technology Enhanced Learning will be relaunching our hugely popular Take 5 series with some exciting new additions to our offer. Take 5 courses are a series of bitesize self-study online tutorials, open to all staff at the University of

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Posted in Mobile learning, Social media, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

Making meaning with Social Media

When you hear the phrase ‘social media’, probably the first association that springs into your mind is conversing through short-form messages and shared links or images. You probably also recognise a range of practices, conventions and behaviours, such as collaborative

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Learning Design, Mobile learning, Social media

No time to read it now? Pop it in your Pocket for later!

This week we are  introducing a useful  tool for organising and collating interesting articles you find on the web. Pocket lets you save articles, videos or images you find online in one place. You can then access them from any of

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Posted in App review, Mobile learning, Social media

Podcast Episode 8 – A Space Beyond the Room – Using a blogging platform to support learners

  Podcast Episode 8 – A Space Beyond the Room – Using a blogging platform to support learners In this episode, Sally Burr talks to Dr Rebecca Webb, Lecturer in Early Years and Primary Education at the University of Sussex, and a

Posted in Mobile learning, Podcast, Social media

Conference Tweeting and Storify

Twitter is a great companion for academic conferences – before, during and after the event, the micro-blogging platform can expand and deepen the experience. Building a conference community with a hashtag #  Conference organisers will usually identify a suitable hashtag

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Posted in Social media, Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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