MakerSpace in Mobile Technologies Week

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You may have spotted that this week is Mobile Technologies Week! We are halfway through Mobile Technologies week and today, Ant Groves, Learning and Teaching Librarian from the Library, talks about the wonderful ‘MakerClub’.

Over to Ant……

The second day of Sussex Mobile/Technologies Week began with an inspiring set of talks from last year’s TEL Innovation Scheme winners, where the importance of tinkering and taking a playful approach to learning was mentioned on several occasions. Read more ›

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Posted in Open Education, Technology Enhanced Learning

Survey tools for learning, teaching and scholarly practice

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flickr photo by jannekestaaks shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license

Involving students as researchers can have huge benefits in terms of motivation, learning and the development of discipline-specific skills. There is also much to be learnt by teachers carrying out research into their own teaching.

Either of these activities is likely to involve collecting data through the use of surveys, and there is a range of tools which teachers and students might consider using. This post will look at some of the most popular and some you may not know about to help you choose the right digital tool for your task. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Mobile/Technologies Week 2015 @SussexUni #sussexmtw

Mobile Technologies Week 2015This year Mobile/Technologies Week will run from 23rd to 27th November and once again the Library and Technology Enhanced Learning have come together to provide staff and students at the University of Sussex with a great programme of events around the use of mobile devices and technologies to support teaching, learning and research. This year we have broadened out the programme to include examples of innovative use of technologies at Sussex, with input from our students and academics. See the Mobile/Technologies Week webpages for information and booking details for each of the following events. Anyone with a twitter account can also join in online throughout the week using the #sussexmtw hashtag. Read more ›

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Posted in Mobile learning, Technology Enhanced Learning

Digital skills through the TELescope 

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flickr photo by meenaghd shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license

‘Digital skills’ are frequently referred to both inside and outside of higher education. What are they and how can we judge if we are digitally skilled or not? We turn to the Jisc framework, originally developed by the work of Beetham and Sharpe (2010), to help answer the question of digital literacy. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Technology Enhanced Learning Innovation Scheme



The TEL Innovation Scheme gives staff the opportunity to develop or experiment with new tools, resources or teaching approaches with the potential to inform practice in their School or disciplinary area. Participation also demonstrates a commitment to enhancement of the student experience.

In 2014/15 the Scheme awarded six grants covering a range of developments from physical computing to gamification. All of the selection criteria and proposal information can be found on the TEL website. One of these is that the proposal must “clearly demonstrate what is innovative about the proposed project and how it will enhance the student experience” Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Learning through finding, choosing, sorting and sharing


flickr photo by catspyjamasnz shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license

Students have access to unprecedented amounts of information online and need to move beyond consumption to more critical, organised and productive use of digital materials, tools and platforms.

In this post I will be suggesting that ‘content curation’ activities that involve ‘sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme’ can be used to develop critical thinking and digital capabilities. Learners involved in content curation go beyond searching for information to evaluating what they find, sharing with peers and commenting on their discoveries. It can also be the beginning of a Personal/Professional Learning Network (PLN) that will sustain someone throughout their career. We should not forget, however, that curation also has another important role to play in the field of digital preservation. This is generally referred to as ‘digital curation’ which  ‘involves maintaining, preserving and adding value to digital research data throughout its lifecycle’ (Digital Curation Centre). It is becoming increasingly important to think about how materials which are ‘born digital’ can be preserved against a backdrop of redundant formats and disappearing platforms. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Lunch and learn: New TEL Seminar Series


Following on from last year’s inaugural series of Technology Enhanced Learning seminars hosted here at the University of Sussex, we’re delighted to kick-off the academic year with a new season of seminars featuring a fantastic line-up of speakers who are leading figures in the fields of:

  • learning technology,
  • social media,
  • and innovative teaching practice.

In our last series of seminars attendees enjoyed talks around the themes of flipped learning, open education and gamification. The autumn programme has been developed in response to feedback and in line with emerging trends in the sector. Topics include learning analytics, social media in academia and assessment and feedback. Read more ›

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Online or offline…you choose: TEL’s staff development workshops


flickr photo by GotCredit shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Following the success of last year’s staff development offering and the online bitesize courses we piloted over the summer, the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team have expanded our professional development programme for 2015-16 to include both online and offline courses and sessions.

Summer success

The online bitesize courses that TEL delivered sought to develop skills in different technological areas, which could be utilised both inside and outside of academia. The original idea was to run these courses as a pilot to gauge interest, needs and requirements. However, the response we received from university staff was overwhelming with over 100 individual staff members signing up for the courses and incredibly positive feedback from participants. Read more ›

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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