Blog Archives

5 steps to using tech for presentations

Giving presentations is as much a part of academics’ lives as it is their students’. Whether presenting at a conference or in an undergraduate seminar, there are similar issues to bear in mind and digital tools to help. Step 1.

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Posted in digital skills, Learning Design

Digital tools for reflective practice – an update

Back in 2015 I wrote a post for this blog on digital tools for reflective practice, and it has proved to be one of our most-viewed posts, but things move fast in the world of digital tools, so it seemed

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Posted in digital skills

How to enhance your assessments with video presentation

In this blog post, I will explore the potential and possibilities for assessing students’ presentation skills through the medium of video. With the affordances of modern technology, the possibilities for students to create video presentations are now much more accessible.

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Posted in Apps and tools, digital skills, Marking and assessment, Mobile learning

Digital Wellbeing – How to Focus and Unplug

Digital Wellbeing How to Focus and Unplug

You would be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed when it comes to tools for work, productivity, teaching, learning and entertainment. There is a lot of noise from a lot of places. Notifications popping up on our phones, tablets, laptops, watches and

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Posted in digital skills, e-Safety

Blogs for academics – 5 great reasons to get involved

Blogs are all around us on the internet and you may sometimes read posts from popular news blogs without necessarily thinking of them as blogs or formally subscribing to them. For anyone involved in teaching and/or learning, however, there is

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Posted in digital skills, Social media

Supercharge your LinkedIn profile

During the first week of this term Technology Enhanced Learning teamed up with the Careers and Employability Centre to deliver the online bitesized course ‘Take 5: LinkedIn & your digital identity’ aimed at both staff and students. Here Tim Bradshaw

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Posted in digital skills, Technology Enhanced Learning

Digital Discovery Week 2017 @SussexUni – Podblasts, 5G and Virtual Reality

From 6th – 10th November a week of exciting events took place at the University of Sussex. Digital Discovery Week is a week-long series of events celebrating and promoting digital practice, culture and skills at Sussex. It is a collaborative

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Posted in digital skills, Events

5 Great reasons for students to use OneNote

Whether you are a tutor or a student, and whatever your discipline, it’s likely that you are going to have to make notes. Paper and pen can be convenient and it’s something we’re all used to, but digital notes have

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Posted in digital skills, Mobile learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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