Blog Archives

Are electronic examinations the future?

Electronic examinations are exams that are carried out on computers or mobile devices rather than on paper. Paolo Oprandi shares his insights from the ‘Remaking Marking: Electronic Management of Assessment’ event in Reading on emerging practice in this area across

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Posted in Marking and assessment

What does the update to Turnitin mean for students?

Turnitin is the software used for providing marks and feedback and checking for similarity on text-based assessments as part of the e-submission system at the University of Sussex . Current students will most likely have used Turnitin at some point

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Posted in Marking and assessment

Autumn 2017 TEL Workshops

Image: “My Life Through A Lens” Over the Summer we’ve been beavering away developing an exciting menu of workshops and training activities for the Autumn term, blending our most popular sessions from last year with a range of new workshops

Posted in Accessibility, digital skills, Events, feedback, Marking and assessment, Technology Enhanced Learning

Professional Development Opportunities for the Start-of-Term

TEL Professional Development

We’re pleased to announce a new programme of professional development opportunities for the beginning of the new term, which are open to all academic and professional staff. These seven workshops, running at various times over the next three weeks, provide

Posted in digital skills, Marking and assessment, Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

Dates for Turnitin Feedback Studio taster sessions announced

To help familiarise staff at the University of Sussex with the major update to Turnitin (due for August); the Technology Enhanced Learning office will be running short taster workshops around campus throughout the months of July and August. All staff

Posted in digital skills, Events, Marking and assessment

A first look at Turnitin Feedback Studio

Introducing “Turnitin Feedback Studio”, a rebrand and major update of the Turnitin software used by staff and students at the University of Sussex for online submission, similarity reports, marking and feedback of text-based assessments. Watch the video below for a

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Posted in Marking and assessment

Community, creativity, competencies and cuteness: MUGSE comes to Sussex.

The Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team at the University of Sussex recently hosted a meeting of the Mahara User Group for Southern England (MUGSE). The sun shone as nearly 30 participants from eleven institutions in the region gathered to share

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Posted in Mahara, Marking and assessment, Open Education

Technology Rich Formative Assessment

From Poll Everywhere to Socrative to Google Forms, there is a huge range of tools available for formative assessment both in and out of face-to-face teaching hours. These methods of formative assessment can be extremely useful to gauge students’ understanding,

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Posted in App review, External events, Marking and assessment, Polling tools

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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