What is Open Education? #openeducationwk

Open Education Week logo (orange) from http://www.openeducationweek.org/Open Education is a movement, a set of practices, a collection of resources and a range of tools. What brings them together is the aim of sharing knowledge, and technology is making that possible with an ease and on a scale previously unimaginable.

To get a better idea of what Open Education can be, we asked some colleagues what it means to them.

Openness influences the way that Dr Lucy Robinson (History) behaves as an academic:

Lucy Robinson square‘Open education is about more than free access alone, it’s about being open to new ways of working with colleagues, with our students and with our communities.’ Lucy Robinson

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Open Education Week at Sussex 9-13 March 2015 #openeducationwk

Open Education Week 2015 Logo - Blue BG

Next week is Open Education Week (OEW) and for the second year, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and the Library are joining forces to mark OEW at the University of Sussex and bring colleagues events and resources on the theme of ‘openness’ in higher education.


What is Open Education?

The week will begin with a post on this blog exploring the concept of Open Education and what it means to colleagues here at Sussex and in the wider HE community. We hope that this will set the scene for a week of conversations, face-to-face and via social media using the #openeducationwk hashtag. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Interactive visual learning with ThingLink

What is ThingLink?

ThingLink logoAvailable on both iOS and Android, ThingLink is a free app that allows you to create and share engaging interactive images. With ThingLink users can overlay rich media tags onto an image or diagram and embed links and multimedia from across the web as well as text, images and recordings, allowing for many different kinds of resources to be drawn together in one place in a visual and interactive medium. These images can then be shared and embedded or even ‘remixed’ by other users.

ThingLink also has a strong social element with profiles for each user and the opportunity to ‘Follow’ other ThingLink users for updates on their creations. In addition to this, the tool has included  the idea of ‘Touching’ posts, similar to the way in which you would ‘Like’ a Facebook post, encouraging sharing and resharing of images and the circulation of ideas and knowledge. Read more ›

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Posted in App review, Technology Enhanced Learning

Developing your digital academic profile

The use of social media can expand your reach, help you promote your research and build rich networks. You can use these networks within your teaching and learning to communicate your interests, expose students to new ideas, and direct followers to relevant reading and ‘real time’ events.

In this post we look at the benefits of embracing the digital world and how engaging in social media can be good for your teaching, your research, and your students.

Digital doubts

Not all academics want to engage in social media. From the outside, it can seem time-consuming and trivial, something that demands a high level of personal involvement. And, where to start? There are many social networks. Risk management plays a factor too; say something silly in your office and only those nearby will hear you, but broadcast something regrettable on social media and the world will hear you. Social media doesn’t always get a good press either. Is Twitter all trivia? No, but celebrity-mania, reports of selfie culture and inane updates can conceal the academic advantages of using social networks. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

5 top tips for mobile filmmakers

film main

creative commons licensed (BY-NC) flickr photo by shareski

The inclusion of cameras on the majority of mobile devices over the last few years has made the art of filmmaking simpler and more accessible to a wider audience than ever before.

Mobile filmmaking provides a valuable tool for educators to bring the outside world into the classroom, to capture processes, evidence, opinion, research and case-studies, or present the opportunity for students to work on creative and collaborative film projects.

This post introduces a few simple yet effective tips and techniques for filming videos on your smartphone or tablet. Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Technology, pedagogy and the language of change #bett2015

Dr David Walker, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning

Dr David Walker, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning

David Walker (Head of Technology Enhanced Learning, University of Sussex) reflects on Bett 2015.

I recently had the honour of participating in a panel session at Bett, one of the world’s largest educational technology events and trade shows, as part of the exhibition’s Technology in Higher Education Summit.

I spoke alongside a distinguished panel of speakers including Dr Jaya Kannan (Director of Digital Learning, Sacred Heart University), Professor Gavin Brooks (Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning, University of Reading) and Professor Margaret Cox OBE (Professor of Information Technology in Education, Kings College London).

The theme of the Summit was Developing Pedagogy Read more ›

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Reshaping teaching with technology


February sees the launch of the new Technology Enhanced Learning seminar series focused around the theme of ‘Reshaping teaching with technology’.

What is the TEL Seminar Series?

A programme of engaging and interactive talks from three of the UK’s leading thinkers in the field of educational technology. Speakers will share their ideas and experiences on the topics of flipped learning, Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD), open education and gamification. Don’t worry if you haven’t come across these terms before, we have included a glossary so you’ll soon know your BYOD from your flipped learning.

The idea behind the seminar series is to bring some external influences to Sussex in order to share practice and experiences and to encourage the use of these innovative practices in teaching and learning at Sussex. Read more ›

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Go digital in 2015: TEL’s new staff development workshops


iPad photo by Kitty Horne

Learn something new this year with the TEL team’s new workshop programme.

Following the success of the Mobile Technologies Week, the TEL team have expanded our staff development programme and refined sessions.

The new programme is ideal if you are interested in exploring ways in which technology can support teaching, such as:

  • engaging and enthusing large groups;
  • alternative ideas to help your students understand complex concepts;
  • creating or using digital resources for teaching and learning.

The workshops are designed for anyone, from technogeek to technophobe. Read more ›

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Posted in Study Direct, Technology Enhanced Learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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